Thursday, February 12, 2009

When will the babies come?

I know many people like to do a poll on when the babies will arrive and how big they will be. Here's why I will NOT be doing one. I don't want to see when anyone thinks I'll give out. Purely selfish! My goal from the beginning was at least 37 weeks, preferably 38, but at the very least 37. P & L were delivered at 36 weeks 6 days and that 1 extra day always was a sore spot for me.

So knowing this, my husband who claims to love me very much has decided that the babies will be born on February 17. Only 36 weeks 5 days!! Regardless of my goal, he's putting his money on a day earlier than P & L, and this has me a bit irritated. So to save you all from my wrath, I will not ask when you think the babies will come.

It was asked yesterday if we have a 'cutoff' date. STE has promised me that I will not be pregnant for my son's birthday (March 16). This was an easy promise as our due date is March 12. However to be much more realistic the cutoff date is actually March 2/3. My Dr. is at the hospital on the 2nd, but mom and dad really love the idea of 3/3/09. I 'm still trying to figure out how we can 'plan' for that date. So at the very most I have 20 more days to get through. Having just seen pictures of the octuplet mother's belly at birth, I'm feeling much better at the distortion mine is taking on.

So for all of you betting people, feel free to mentally pick a date and after the birth we can see who was closest. P weighed 5lbs 4 oz- 18 3/4 inches and L weighed 5lbs 10 oz- 18 inches long-born via c-section at 36weeks 6 days.


Natalia Ritchie said...

I say at least 37 weeks....may be even 38!! =)

Jaymee said...

2/28 my b-day!!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

I will not make a guess....okay, well just one.

My guess is that you'll go when these babies are ready and not before.

And whenever they do come, you know you've done your best all along, 37 weeks, it's just a number, no magic to it and they'll come in their own time.

For now, I think your doing great!
