Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's here!!!

I finally got my free formula samples in the mail!! And a pre-birth order!!! We are now all set for whenever the babes decide it's time. It's such a relief to have the pre-birth order and know that the hospital also has it by now! I still have every intention of making it to March, but what a relief to have this paper in my hands!

Everyone now has clean sheets and the house is nice and clean (except for the dogs dragging in rain all afternoon). The laundry is all done for at least one more day and the freezer is stocked with easy foods for Brian to cook the kids (none of which I have any desire to eat at all).

It was so tough to get up this morning, for everyone. Having 4 days off will do that to a person, pregnant or not. Last night I was trying to pick up/reorganize a few things and I hit a wall. I was reorganizing a drawer in the bathroom and all of a sudden my legs hurt so bad and I wasn't sure I'd even be able to walk up the stairs to the bed. It was freaky how fast it came on. It is reassuring to know that my body physically won't let me do more than it has to. I took some Tylenol to ease the pain and watched some TV. I just wasn't really feeling sleepy. Around midnight I was incredibly hungry again, so after another snack I went to bed.

I had really expected to sleep all day today. I fell asleep for about an hour and then woke starving. I got some lunch and then some more lunch. I was unable to fall back asleep, but it was nice to lie in the bed anyhow.

It has continued to rain fairly steadily here. This is only an issue at pick up and drop off at school. I will admit I'm not moving very fast and the rain seems to get me pretty wet just in the short trip from the house to the car.

Logan has a friend over for a bit this afternoon and then he has to do some more of his final draft (4 paragraphs actually). Ciera is off pitching with her dad and has some homework to do. She never really has homework so she's very grumbly about it today. It's apparently all my fault. She hasn't said I'm ruining her life yet, but I'm sure it's coming. I have no clue what to do about dinner tonight, but we all have clean sheets! We have all continued to watch American Idol on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, so I'm sure tonight will be no different. I've never watched a season before so I have nothing to compare it to, but the kids seem to really enjoy it. I however get very frustrated with the 'teasers' and the fact that it takes an hour for them to really only show you 15 minutes of footage at the most! I"m pretty sure I holler at the TV during every episode, which only makes it more fun for the kids.

Tomorrow I will go do my 10 minutes of copying. The worst part about continuing to go in and make the copies is that I have to actually get dressed! Ciera would DIE if I went in wearing my pj pants, which is what I tend to wear at home the rest of the week.

I was asked to explain the weekly copies that I continuously mention. My kids are at a Charter Montessori school that requires parent participation (which is no problem, I actually do far less at this school than when we were at the public school). Ciera has 2 teachers and Logan has 1. I told them all at the beginning of the school year that I could only commit to an hour a week up until January and I'd prefer to come in the mornings so that I could nap in the afternoon. Logan's teacher only has me in charge of the snack calendar. Once a month I make up a new calendar, make sure the birthday kids gets to bring snack near their birthday, that everyone gets a fair rotation and get it sent out to the parents each month. One of Ciera's teachers has had me do typing for her, but it's only in bursts and most of the time she doesn't use me. The other teacher is GREAT about delegating and makes great use of the one hour a week I said I could do. I make the math and social studies copies for her. It's really not a problem to keep doing them as it only takes 5-10 minutes and I sit in the rolling chair while I make them. I LOVE making the copies. It would be my 'dream' job except generally you have to deal with customers or phone calls and I don't want to do either of those things. I'm not really a people person, I just love to make copies!


Sanda said...

Congrats on the PBO!! And the clean sheets! :)
Wow - I have no idea how you still do all you do while carrying two babies and being so far along! Amazing!

Melissa said...

Okay I just have to say the title of this post made me gasp...not nice! I'm so glad you got the PBO though...YAY!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Horray for the PBO, that must have been such a relief. And thanks for explaining the copying thing...I couldn't figure it out for the life of