Wednesday, February 18, 2009

36 weeks 6 days-Still pregnant!!

We have now successfully carried these twins longer than P & L. My goal all along was to just make it to 37 weeks, but now with everything going on at home for STE we of course have a new goal-as long as we can!

I'll have to put up comparison pictures tonight. I am at a point where I can feel size changes almost daily. I'm back to running into things with the belly and it REALLY hurts now!

I slept pretty good again last night. I was almost able to fall asleep without needing a snack first. I'm realizing that I'm just going to have hip pain now. There really is no other way to sleep and one hip or the other is going to be slept on for too long-unless I am unable to sleep at some point. I'm really hoping to not reach a point of insomnia though.

I did a little bit of work at school and was back home for an early lunch at 9:30. Thankfully I was able to fall asleep this morning and got a bit of a nap in. I do enjoy the naps.

The body is definitely preparing itself for birth though. I've been very proud of the fact that I don't really 'waddle', but I think I might've waddled today. Everything is just getting a little achier, but not painful yet. It's been almost 10 years since I went into labor on my own, and even then they augmented it with pitocin. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous about it. Being a planner, it's just so hard to wait around and wonder. So I will go back to pushing off my deadlines and just focus on keeping the babes growing inside for at least another week. Part of me feels greedy to keep pushing back my goal date, shouldn't I just be happy with 37 weeks? But 38 weeks would be fabulous too! Ultimately I guess it's not really in my hands. Even if I lie in bed with a bedpan, the babies would still eventually come on their own.

Brian has revised his delivery guess. He's thinking the 27th now. STE has a hair appointment on the 24th and I think she should be safe to still go (2 weeks ago I thought there would be no way she'd make the appointment though). I'm still really holding out for sometime in March. I guess we'll know more after tomorrow's OB appointment. I'm really curious where little boy's head is, as it seems to move all over the place.


Melissa said...

Congratulations, I'm so happy to passed your goal date and are still going! You are amazing! I can't wait to read tomorrows update!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Woohoo past your goal date! Good luck with your OB tommorrow.

Linda said...

I have been following your blog for some time now and am so excited for you and the new parents.