Thursday, February 26, 2009

4 days PP

It feels so wrong to post and push pictures of the babies further down the page, but if I don't post I won't have a way to remember how I was feeling after the delivery. Things tend to get pretty blurry and memories fade quickly, even without the sleep exhaustion of caring for a baby or two.

By Wednesday night I was finally starting to see an increase in my pumping. Today I actually had streams of milk. They didn't last long and I will probably only end up with 6-7 oz for the entire day, but it feels so good to see the pumping improve.

I had hoped to get some of the delivery story done today, but I found myself desperately needing to sleep all day. I'd wake up, take my meds, pump and start to drowse off. I'd then wake up and start the process all over throughout the entire day. I've been able to stay up long enough tonight to shower and talk about the kids' day with them. Their lives and needs haven't stopped just because I had surgery. Ciera decided today that she'd like to try some eyeliner, not tomorrow but today. I don't wear much makeup so I may be the only mother in the world that doesn't have eyeliner for her to borrow. I do own mascara, so she was content with some mascara.

I decided yesterday that I was going to wait to start taking the iron supplement that I was prescribed at the hospital. I figured the stool softener had a tough enough job dealing with my pain meds without having to deal with an iron supplement. I'm pleased beyond words that the stool softener was able to do it's job.

My swelling is starting to go down a bit as well. Not enough that the average person could tell, but I can feel a slight difference when I walk and in my feet, I almost have feeling back in them.

It's still quite uncomfortable to laugh or cough, but I can now take deep breaths and bend some. My greatest challenge is still just getting up and out of bed.

Emotionally I still haven't hit the emotional slam that I'm sure will come. It's not about being sad, but I fully expect to be hit with a blast of emotions. I'm a little crabby and overly sensitive, but I haven't teared up about anything today, perhaps it's because I slept all day.


Sanda said...

I'm glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery, though I know it will take a while with a major operation like you just had. I hope the swelling goes all the way down soon. Take very good care of yourself!
It's so amazing what you just did. That photo with all 4 kids - you did all that!! Just absolutely amazing.

Sarah Andrews said...

I have to agree with Intending to be Parents. When I saw the photo of the four kiddos, I teared up knowing that you helped to do that. Again - you are wonder woman to me!

Rest up, heal fast and pump loads lady. Hugs!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

I'm glad your healing nicely, and getting your rest too! I have never had a c-section but I know it's difficult and my heart goes out to you and prayers for a quick recovery.

I too looked at those photos and was just in awe, 4 wonderful beautiful kids you delievered for another family, how amazing!

J and D said...

It is amazing that you brought such joy to another family. Truly wonderful. Rest up so you can go makeup for Ciera. :)

Traci said...

Hope you heal well, pump lots and rest as much as possible. You did great woman... Thanks for blogging!!

Traci said...

I hope you get well fast, pump lots and sleep as much as possible. You did a great job woman! Thanks for blogging...