Friday, February 6, 2009

When do you just give up?

A book, I mean. When do you finally say, "I just can't read this book!" I feel compelled to keep plugging away because I know others have liked it and I've already invested so much darn time in it. I am 1/2 way through The Queen's Fool and so far I honestly don't care what happens next. I keep hoping I'll gain interest or something/anything will happen, but I'm starting to wonder if it will. I can't read more than 9-10 pages MAX (most days it's more like 2-4) before I can't read anymore. It just seems so wrong to give up!


Anonymous said...

I've given up on a book or two before. Hey, if they don't interest you, why waste your time?

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Really? I really loved the series every single book. But I guess that's where personal interest differ, books and what you like is so individual. I would say if your half way through it and you still are not enjoying it than give it up, books are for enjoyment and shouldn't feel like a burden to read.

Cyn said...

Have I just not gotten to the good part yet?

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Remind me again about that particular book....The Queens Fool....which character is that about and what stage are you at?

Cyn said...

Queen Mary and Princess Elizabeth
Mary just married the Spanish prince and just found to be pregnant. Elizabeth, the protestant princess, has been sent away but already she knows of the 'secret pregnancy'. The "fool" bounces around between them all and her 'betrothed' and I just can't seem to care for her stupid choices.

Anonymous said...

Awe I remember that one, it's the hardest book to get through.

Good luck, it has it's good moments and dry moments.


Betsey said...

It could just be your frame of mind... I've had that happen before. Maybe put it aside, read something else and come back to it again later.

I loved that book -as did most of the people I know.. but that doesn't mean it has overall appeal.

Queenie327 said...

The Queen's fool was the first Phillipe gregory book I read and I really enjoyed it and all her other books. I say put it away and try again another time. If you are not enjoying the story it will take forever to get to the end.

Anonymous said...

One thing you can do is skip to a different book in the series, say The Other Boylen Girl or Constant Princess? I believe it's called. Sometimes if you have more information on the series it's easier to get through and understand a particular book based on the series. The nice thing about this series is that you can juggle which you read first.

To think all this is based from true history....I couldn't get over that!
