Sunday, February 8, 2009

35 weeks 3 days belly pictures

Sadly, these are the best of the lot this week. I didn't realize they were all so bad until after I'd given up on being productive for the day.
Yes, that is my belly hanging out the bottom!

The day went pretty good considering how lousy I slept. Logan's team lost their soccer game 4-1, but we avoided the rain for another game.

I took a hot bath when we got home, followed by a hot shower. I was feeling pretty good. I went down to make dinner (mac & cheese with hot dogs) and cut up some red peppers for Ciera. I got through 2 peppers when my back suddenly was killing me (and this was just after getting out of the bath). I immediately had Brian take over and I retired to the bed.

Ciera and I watched Grease 2 (the team watched Grease last night, so she was finally interested). I dozed off and on with the heating pad and am feeling a bit better. I'm officially done being productive for the day though. My shoulders feel really tight for the first time too. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

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MyLifeMyWorld said...

Awe so sorry about your back, this must be starting to get pretty hard on it. Glad you got the family support though to be able to go veg out and rest, you hubby sounds great.

Hoping you have a better day today!

MylissaLynn said...

Be sure to holler at me if you need anything. It dawned on me how close to the end you're getting. I had to run out and stock up on camera batteries! LOL I'm so excited!!!