Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Monday down- only 2 more at the most!

I slept much better last night, once I was able to fall asleep. I was all ready for bed by midnight, but I was suddenly starving-AGAIN! After 2 pieces of toast and a large glass of warm milk, I fell fast asleep. I slept pretty good most of the night. I of course still had to get up numerous times to potty, but I didn't toss all night. I did however wake up with my right hip killing me again. I'm really going to have to stop sleeping on that side.

I do realize that I've complained a lot about sleeping and my hip lately, but honestly I feel pretty good about those being my only complaints. It's not like I'm lying awake all night, I just don't get a sound sleep some nights, but the daytime naps are so good (when everyone is gone).

Everyone slept in this morning and it was basically a low key day. We finished off the last of the lasagna from Brian's mom and the kids finished off the Rye bread that Papa sent us home with. Ciera was invited to see Twilight again with her aunt. After dropping her off, Brian, Logan and I headed to Costco for a final trip before the birth. We were out of dog food, bottled water, bagel dogs and potstickers (all things we'd need before I'm recuperated). Brian doesn't have a Costco membership and I wasn't about to walk through the whole store to get the things we needed (plus the dog food is heavy).

I lucked out and Costco had EXACTLY what I was looking for-March outfits for the babies! I'd been looking online and not finding anything close to what I wanted and there they were just waiting for me at Costco! Brian and Logan had found almost everything on my list before I could even get to and from the bathroom. I'm still able to move, but I'm pretty darn slow!

The belly is becoming very misshapen at the bottom. I didn't actually know a pregnant belly could hang down so low. I also can't believe how much baby B can still move around. On Saturday I felt his hiccups on my right side and this morning his hiccups were coming from my left side. Did he flip again? Baby girl also had the hiccups tonight, but hers are still coming from down low.

Everyone heads back to school and work tomorrow and I get to nap! Logan has a friend coming over after school and that's it for the day. Wednesday Logan has a field trip to the Train Museum. Brian is taking the day off to go with him, as it didn't seem like a good idea for me to walk the train museum at 36 weeks 6 days! Thursday we are 37 weeks and I have an OB appointment. Friday Ciera and Logan both have reports due. So far they are on track to be done.

The gals come to clean tomorrow and I think I'm ready to have them come weekly, if for no other reason than the house has been recently cleaned whenever I happen to go into labor. I hate the idea of coming home from the hospital to a dirty house. I can't tell if I'm starting to 'nest' or if I'm just being practical, but I've suddenly become obsessed with getting clean bedding for everyone.


MylissaLynn said...

You're nesting. You're ALWAYS practical. LOL

Nadine said...

WOW sounds like they will be coming soon :)

J and D said...

nesting away. Clean sheets smell so good.

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Yup I say nesting too, and who doesn't love clean sheets, ahhh the smell.

Sorry about the 1 week thing, I just meant 1 week left till 37 weeks and you can feel "safe" so to speak.

I'm surprised Baby B is still moving about so much, do you think he's flipping? Can't wait to hear how your OB appt goes...will this be a VBAC?

Oh, so excited for you and your IPs!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Yup I say nesting too, and who doesn't love clean sheets, ahhh the smell.

Sorry about the 1 week thing, I just meant 1 week left till 37 weeks and you can feel "safe" so to speak.

I'm surprised Baby B is still moving about so much, do you think he's flipping? Can't wait to hear how your OB appt goes...will this be a VBAC?

Oh, so excited for you and your IPs!

Cyn said...

I know you meant no harm- we just don't want any only 1 week vibes out there :)

I'm also surprised by the intense movements. Some of them will even 'move' me they come on so quick, fast and hard.

I wouldn't think he could still flip, but based on how distorted my lower abdomen is, I'm guessing his sister is scrunched up low and giving him as much room as he demands.

We are still hoping for a VBAC. She's still cooperating and I'm just hoping little boy will follow suit. I really do think STE would be amazed with the vaginal birth process and I'd love to give her that. We'll see!