Sunday, February 8, 2009

Some thoughts and grumblings

I had a thought the other day that has stuck with me and I thought I should share.

If I was pregnant with my own twins, would I be able to lie around so patiently waiting for them to decide when they were ready to be born? Or, like the birth of both Ciera and Logan would I be bursting at the seams and willing to do anything to just get them out already so I can love on them?

Ciera was induced shortly after 37 weeks, mostly because I was tired of waiting and the dr. went ahead and scheduled an induction for me. Logan came around 38 weeks, but I had no qualms about augmenting my labor with pitocin to 'get things moving'. Brian and I were discussing likely birth dates for these twins and I honestly hope and believe we can really get to 38+ weeks.

I know if they were my babies I wouldn't be able to stay in bed and 'gestate'. There'd be so many things that I'd be trying to do or get done before they were born (which would probably cause them to be born sooner). One of my most amazing discoveries through surrogacy is just how different a pregnancy can feel when you don't have any of the 'planning' of how to integrate the baby into your life after birth to constantly think/obsess/worry about. It's pretty nice to JUST think about what I can do to help these babies grow strong and healthy for their parents, and let their parents worry about how to integrate 2 new babies into their lives.

I'm sure that's part of why my kids seem oblivious to the fact that soon 2 humans will force their way out of me. The pregnancy doesn't really affect their lives and I've gone to great lengths to make sure that my being pregnant doesn't impact what I can do for them either.

Now just to screw up a perfectly good post I'm going to vent about my rainbow chip cupcakes! When Brian went to the store for me he of course had Ciera with him, as he had just picked her up. I sent him with a very detailed list of what I needed/wanted and how much to pay for the items. I even verbally went through the list so there were no surprises that he didn't understand (on the off chance that a grocery list was confusing). The list specifically said RAINBOW CHIP cake mix and frosting and I'd verbally explained NOT sprinkles, rainbow chip (that might've been the problem-too much explaining to pay attention to). So, needless to say when they arrived home with the groceries there were unexpected items, flavors and FUNFETTI cake and frosting! Funfetti is sprinkles!!! There's nothing I can do except to make them, eat them and complain the whole time that it's not RAINBOW CHIP! I will leave out my rant about the pudding flavors!


MyLifeMyWorld said...

Sorry about your Rainbow Cake, those cravings can really take over ya and when you don't get what you need it can be frustrating for sure!

I had to laugh about sending your hubby out for groceries, I do the same thing, write out a list, then verbally go over it to make sure its not too confusing and even still he usually gets at least 1 thing wrong. Must be a man thing? Or do you think they do it purposely to test us? Either way, it was pretty funny to read about it today.

Cyn said...

I KNOW he doesn't do it on purpose, he just doesn't see it as a big deal. I really don't mean to complain, I am thankful that he went for me, but still-
The funfetti still tastes mostly the same, but the frosting is definitely plain vanilla.

J and D said...

I love both or your points. I love the fact that you are sitting around making two very healthy babies for someone and you want them to stay in you for a very long time. :) Love hearing that.
I also love your story about the cupcakes. D forgot to buy chicken at the store. One of the two items I asked him to buy because he got distracted by the free cookies. I haven't learned the art of the detailed list yet.