Wednesday, February 11, 2009

35 weeks 6 days!

Good grief we're getting close!

I slept OK last night, but there was a lot of changing positions. I awoke with a sore right hip again, but not as painful as last weeks. I also seem to have a ton of congestion again. I woke up a little early this morning, around 5:45 and was starving. I am out of Cherrios (which is a quick fix), so I decided to just get up and make pancakes. Brian was quite surprised to find a hot breakfast ready when he got out of the shower. Ciera ate one in bed (with no syrup). When I finally went to check on her (since she wasn't in the shower yet), I found her asleep in bed with the pancake on her chest! Good thing she was clever enough to not use syrup.

I then climbed into bed with Logan and figured I'd let him sleep in a bit. Yesterday he finished up all of his schoolwork for the week, so I knew he'd be OK going in a little late. I got back up at 8 to take Ciera (who hates to be late or miss a day) to school. Logan and I finally got up and were at school by 9. I had no copies today, but I did cut out a bit of laminated activities.

The dog had to go to the groomer at 10 and I was starving by the time I got back. A can of soup and 2 pieces of delicious whole wheat toast and I'm feeling much better, if not a little sleepy. I'm headed for my nap now.

I feel a little/a lot bigger today and am moving a bit slow, but basically feel pretty good.


Melissa said...

You are getting so close!!! Is there a "we can't let you go any further than this" date? So exciting!

Sarah Andrews said...

You are doing so great Cyn! Big hugs - you go girl!

Alicia said...

You are doing an awesome job! Almost "full term!" you are Wonder Woman!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Cyn, do you work? You mention doing copies a lot and was wondering if that was volunteer or not...what is it that you do/copy?

You are getting close, I wouldn't doubt your feeling it by now. Great job!