Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ahh! It feels good to feel good!

I am feeling SO much better today! I slept poorly with some really odd dreams that I couldn't even describe if I tried. I did wake around 2 with my belly hurting, but I was able to go right back to sleep and the next time I awoke I felt fine.

I am currently dealing with some personal feminine issues that I won't go into detail about, but it sure does take my mind off the hemorrhoids.

I've come up with a solution to my belly hanging out of everything. The Bella Band that I ordered was better than the one size fits all model that is sold at Motherhood Maternity, but it is still stretchy and I find it moves all the time and rides up in the back. It also seems to make my back hurt as it's so snug. SO, I decided to cut the top off a maternity tank that is far to snug and short to wear. It makes a perfect 'belly cover' when cut in half and since there's no stretch it is nice and comfy and doesn't ride up. It gives me lower belly coverage without squeezing me in two. Hopefully it just looks like a layered shirt to everyone else.

My copies are done for the week and I have the March snack calendar all printed up for Logan's class. I also take care of the Scholastic Book orders each month and I have everything ready to be delegated to others so it can still go out on time (end of Feb/early March). January's books should be here by Friday, so I'm feeling pretty on top of the situation.

The babies are good and active this morning, but thankfully not at the same time.

Ciera told me Sunday night that she really needed/wanted a pair of denim skinny jeans. On Saturday her softball team is hosting a Tri-tip dinner and the girls are to wear denim and their uniform top. Of course all the other girls WILL be wearing skinny jeans and I really didn't want her to feel left out (especially since I won't be there and I already feel guilty about that). The problem is that I knew it would take several hours of trying on jeans at the mall to find the 'right' pair and I was just not up for that at this stage of the game. I figured Brian could take her, but he would HATE being at the mall that long. Thankfully, Grandma said she'd love to go shopping with Ciera. So they spent 4 hours at the mall yesterday after school. I don't know how she does it, but she always brings her home with a smile on her face. Under normal conditions, I would be exhausted after 4 hours in the mall with Ciera, but Grandma makes it look easy. Ciera came home with the tightest pair of denim skinny jeans ever, but she loves them! She also managed to find several tops that she just had to have. She found a pair of shoes that she loved, but they didn't have her size in stock. My baby wears a 9 1/2 shoe now!! Just last year she was an 8. My foot wasn't that big until after 3 pregnancies!

Ciera gets to go to a friend's house today and Logan gets to have his friend over, so it should be a nice afternoon. Dinner should be easy and asparagus was on sale, so I'm adding it to our London Broil menu. While at the store I couldn't resist the mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches, so we even get dessert tonight.

I will now head back to bed and maybe even get a chapter read before I fall asleep.


Sarah Andrews said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling good Cyn despite your feminine issues. Great idea about your belly band idea = happy that it helps!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Good to hear you were feeling better. Don't ya love those pregnancy dreams?!?! And I just love your belly band idea