Thursday, February 19, 2009

Good news and bad news from the OB

I just got back from my 37 week OB appointment. The good news is the babies are still in position and look fine. The bad news is my blood pressure is jumping around and I had protein in my urine. Oh yeah, and I'm GBS positive (I just have to have at least 4 hours of antibiotics before A comes out).

We're still set for a VBAC and Dr. E is comfortable with an induction if need be as well, rather than just going straight to a c-section. He feels contractions are contractions and he'd honestly prefer that I'm hooked up to monitors from the beginning rather than contracting on my own at home. If I'm being monitored the entire time, they'll know if something starts to go wrong-before my uterus ruptures. So we'll have an induction by March 2 at the latest.

It's a great plan in theory. However, due to the blood pressure and urine results I will go tomorrow for my first NST (non-stress test). This is a common test that most women pregnant with multiples begin doing regularly around 28 weeks. I've never had to do one though. I don't really know what to expect other than to pack myself some 'just in case' emergency food and to eat a good meal before I go in (lesson learned from last week). If everything looks good there than we just continue to wait, if things don't look too good than we look at inducing sooner. So while I have some answers and I have just as many new questions.

S also gets his cast off tomorrow and hopefully he won't need more surgery. Hopefully he's got super healing bones and will actually be able to hold his babies whenever they happen to be born. I know the babies will be fine at this point, regardless of when they are delivered. But it sure would be nice if dad could hold his babies too.

I'm technically now on bed rest, although having to go for NST's twice a week means I actually have to do more each week than I typically do. I've all but given up cooking dinner now anyhow. Unfortunately nothing much sounds good to me other than Lucky Charms (which I normally don't even like). We as a family have eaten 3 boxes since Sunday (I think it's mostly me though)! Does a mass amount of Lucky Charms raise ones blood pressure?

I measured myself this morning and holy toledo! The belly absolutely has gotten bigger, it's not just my imagination. I'll have to get a picture of it too. So that's it, we at least make it to 37 weeks 1 day and will continue to take it day by day.


Betsey said...

Sorry to hear that update Cyn! I know things were looking up before you went.

Let me know if you need anything (like a ride).. I'm home all week until next Thursday when I leave for Dallas.

MylissaLynn said...

Don't forget to call tomorrow if you get lonely. It is a furlough day afterall! LOL Not that that everyone at work knows if I run out with a grin on my face -- not to expect me back for awhile! =)

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Sorry to hear your appt didn't go as well as you'd like. Your health though is important too so please don't put that aside just to make another day in pregnancy land. I know whatever comes it's for the best and you'll be great in any situation. Here's for March, that's your goal so I'll help cheer you on!