Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday 35 weeks-OB appointment

Last night was a horrible night of sleep. I was restless and had more disturbing dreams. I was aware of and worried about my right foot all night. In my rational mind I think my foot was just fine, but in my sleepy non-rational mind I was afraid my foot was losing circulation and would fall off. I also think I'd gotten it into my head that baby girl (A) was just going to 'fall out' with no notice and then what would I do? I worked this up in my sleeping head so much that I was even in an ambulance and I had one call. Do I call someone to pick up my kids from school? Do I call STE first and she finds someone to pick up my kids? I realized that I haven't prepared any sort of a phone tree in the event that there's no time to call everyone! I have people to help out and cover everything, but no one knows how to get a hold of each other. Now honestly, what are the odds that baby girl will fall out while I'm going potty and I'll only get 1 phone call? But it crept into my crazy sleeping mind and the night was a doozy! At 5:00 am I finally took 2 Tylenol because I could already feel the 'tired' in my legs and knew I needed to feel OK for the day, I had an eyebrow waxing appointment for goodness sakes!

So when I finally got up at 7 I was feeling much better despite not getting a deep rest. After taking the kids to school it was time to shower and actually do my hair for the day. The funny thing about napping on curly hair each day is you quickly lose all desire to even try to make it look nice. I 'think' I'm liking the new cut, but since I've only done it twice and slept on it both days, it's hard to be sure. I like parts of it and we'll see how the rest of it goes once I'm no longer pregnant. The curl changes so much with the hormones.

I had a 9:45 eyebrow waxing appointment, so that my brows aren't all bushy in every picture. If the hair's going to be crazy, at least the brows can be groomed. Then I headed to town for my 11:00 OB appointment. I was early but figured I'd get to be seen early-nope. They were actually running late for the first time ever. We went ahead and did the Group B strep swab today and he figured while I was sitting there without pants he may as well check my cervix-TOTALLY CLOSED!!! This is so reassuring to me because little girl can't fall out into the toilet if my cervix is totally closed!! So now I can stop worrying about that! I'm no longer going to mention the weight gain, just know that there was a gain and I don't want to talk about it (boy do I hope these babies are big). My pulse was 80 and my initial blood pressure was 119/90. I do believe there was user error there though. They came back and used the automatic reader and I was 129/78-and that was taken while I was sitting with just a paper napkin over my lap (why are those cloths so small?).

So basically everything looks good still. I have an ultrasound next Thursday(36 weeks) and we'll get to check the cervix visually and verify that the placentas still look good and the babies are growing at good rates still. I don't go back to my OB until the following Thursday (37 weeks), but I know if I have a question or am unsure about something I can get in sooner or just go to triage at the hospital. Assuming A is still head down next week (which I can't imagine there's been a way for her to move anyhow), we just wait to go into labor anytime after the 19th (37 weeks, which was my goal). Of course we'd all love to make it to March, but I just don't know how realistic that is. Perhaps I have a cervix of steel and we'll have to force them out at 40 weeks. I sure wish I had my magic 8 ball still!

After the appointment I stopped by Walmart. I picked up a pair of 'thong' slippers with outdoor soles for my swollen feet. Doc wasn't concerned about it so, I just need to find something to put on them. I walked past the baby section to get to the shoes and of course had to take a peek. I ended up picking up coordinating outfits, but I've decided to take them back. They just don't scream STE's babies to me. They were cute, but not quite special enough. Have you seen the preemie sized clothes at Walmart? They are tiny and I'm really thinking will be too small, fingers crossed.

After a lunch of leftovers the bug guy arrived to check out our 'bat' situation. The other day Brian and Logan were in the garage playing pool when a bat started flying around. Brian 'disabled' it with a tennis racket and tossed it into the nearby ditch. The following day the 'disabled' bat turned up on our side patio outside of the garage! After calling animal control to verify the proper way to 'dispose' of it, Brian whacked it with a shovel. The bug guy said he didn't see any bat 'poo' nor did it 'smell' like bats, so we're probably OK.

Once he left I had 1 whole hour to nap. Have I mentioned how much I love my naps? I'm not sure what I'll do once these babies are born and I have no excuse to be napping daily. The kids had a good day at school. Ciera seems to have an easy work week, as she's had nothing to do after school. Logan has two reports to write a final draft on tonight, plus he needs to get going on the next chapter of Johnny Tremain. He's really enjoying the book, but I'm finding I know nothing about that time period and I'm not super sad about it.

For dinner tonight we had cheesey chicken with pasta and garlic bread (chicken tenderloins baked in red sauce and covered with mozzarella). I am still not doing chicken, so I had some leftover meat sauce in the freezer to go with my pasta. Logan helped me mix up a package of peanut butter cookies that we added chocolate chips to-YUM!!!

I'm hoping for some good rest tonight. My body is physically tired today, although I've felt pretty good. My back hurts a little from waiting at the Dr's office, but a hot shower and the heating pad at bedtime should help. I was going to put on clean sheets and 'fluff' the bed tonight with Brian's help, but I think it will have to wait for tomorrow.

The babies continue to be incredibly active. According to the 35 week info I posted they really shouldn't be able to flip anymore, but good golly can they still move! I feel pushed and prodded all over today and I'm starting to get a little sore! I just have to remind myself that it hopefully just means they are growing big and will be super healthy when they come out in 3 more weeks (or so).

I'll get a picture taken and posted tomorrow.


Betsey said...

Glad to hear the appointment went well! Not sure what to say about your dreams... but be sure to give me STE's phone number just in case!

Cyn said...

There's never anything to really say about my dreams-Brian has learned to just live with them. I have to sleep with the door closed and no light just so I don't freak out over shadows all night long! It's a wonder he puts up with me!

Sanda said...

I am so pathetically behind on my blog reading so I have to read back - but I read this post and I'm glad to hear that baby girl won't fall out :) I'm so sorry about your feet though!!
I know what you mean, those preemie clothes are so tiny! We picked up coordinating sleepers and a 4 set of onesies in preemie size, along with one package of preemie diapers just in case, but we're hoping we won't need them too!
And ewww....bats! We have lots of those here where I live too - they migrate up for the spring/summer/early Fall and then fly back down to Mexico - but thankfully I don't usually see them around our house. But they do eat the bugs which is good cause we've got plenty of those!
In response to your comment on my post - it might be the same bookshelf! :) We got it at IKEA and it has a changing table attachment that we got as well - figured it was a good 2 for 1 item :)

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Like I said with your last dream post, the hormones really do make the dreams all the more wacky.

So good to hear that your cervix is closed and everything is going well for ya at your appt, who knows maybe you do have a cervix of Wouldn't that be ironic considering your dreams.

Hoping you got a good nights rest last night and can't wait to see a pic!