Friday, February 20, 2009

Monitoring update

First of all, I slept great last night. Poor Brian, I do believe I took my half out of the middle of the bed. I somehow smacked him in the face twice! Brian was off again today for his second Furlough Friday, so I thought we'd 'test out' him getting the kids up and ready. After 2 snoozes on the alarm at 6am I asked him to please go get Ciera up (he usually does this before leaving for work). By 7:20 when it was clear that he wasn't getting up to get Logan showered I got up to do it (I was starving anyhow). So I continued to move Logan along and Brian finally woke to take them to school.

I decided to go back to bed. I slept quite peacefully until 11 and decided it was time to get to the hospital for my non-stress test (which was basically just monitoring the baby's heart rates and me for contractions). I made sure to eat a hearty lunch on the way down and had a MUCH better experience this week, at least emotionally.

The good news is that the babies look GREAT!! Their heart rates were great and their amniotic fluid levels are still great. And surprise, surprise, little boy has changed positions again! The bad news is that my blood pressure is still up (around 137/94) and higher than yesterday and I'm still spilling protein into my urine (+1 if that means anything to anyone). They drew blood and my labs came back OK, not great, but not super worrisome. They did however darn near insist on get a urine sample with a catheter to be able to really judge the number. The catheter insertion and removal was one of the worst parts of my previous c-section, so I only wanted to do this as a last resort. It ended up being much gentler and hardly a discomfort, thank goodness!

After 4 hours in the labor & delivery triage room they sent me home to collect my urine for 24 hours. This is one of the best ways to test/monitor for toxemia or pre-eclampsia. I am then to get monitored tomorrow night. Best case scenario, my blood pressure is lower and they are happy with my urine. Then I get to come home and return in 2 days for more monitoring. The absolute worst case scenario is that everything looks SO bad that we IMMEDIATELY to an emergency c-section and we can't wait for STE and S to get into town on the first flight. Now, it's entirely possible that they won't really like the numbers and will still do a c-section, but we'll have the luxury of waiting a few hours for STE & S to fly in Sunday morning.

I'm not really expecting the blood pressure to be lower, I'm just hoping that 24 hours worth of urine looks better to them. I'm not having headaches, spotted vision or any other symptoms of pre-eclampsia, so I'm hopeful that we can at least hold off until Sunday morning (although of course I'm OK with next week too). I understand that pre-eclampsia is not something to mess around with, so I will absolutely pay attention for any developing symptoms and won't put my health in jeopardy either.

They did check my cervix again and it's still totally closed, which is great if my blood pressure and urine cooperate. Unfortunately, it being closed is not conducive to an induction, so we would have to go the c-section route should they decide the babies need to be born. I won't be devastated if we need a c-section, I just don't want one for no real reason.

So for now, I take it easy and monitor any changes in how I'm feeling. We have NOTHING on the calendar for tomorrow as Logan has a Bye for basketball, so it should be a fairly easy day to just relax through. Logan has birthday party to go to on Saturday night, so Ciera and Brian will have an evening together while I hang out at the hospital (with my snacks and a new book).

I should be able to update by Sunday morning if they send me home. If there's no update, than we will have delivered late Saturday night or Sunday morning.


J and D said...

Is there some magic cure you can take to ward of pre-clampsia? Veggies or something? I am hoping for the best for you and the little ones.

Sanda said...

Yikes! I will be thinking about you this weekend - I hope the monitoring goes well!

Cyn said...

At this point no, following the Brewer Diet is said to help though. Interesting reading if nothing else.

Sarah Andrews said...

It's amazing how much you can care about someone through only knowing them from blogging and message boards. Crap - I am worried about you Cyn! Hang in there lady and I am hoping that we will hear from you tomorrow.


Jenn.. .. .. said...

Holy wow Cyn!! I had no signs either except sudden weight gain and swelling. Otherwise I felt great. I hope the urine is AT LEAST good enough that the family can make it down for delivery. Keeping you all in my thoughts!

Nadine said...

You;re doing so great! Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

I hope it all works out ok!!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Hey how scary, I'm glad everything is okay for now though.

Can you not have prostaglandin (Prostin) gel or pessary inserted to start opening up your cervix? That way you can be induced and still have the vag delivery?

At this point, time and dates is not really what matters but your health, and if you can avoid having an emergency c-section with the parents missing it, by having an induction sooner than your goal date, I think it might be a good idea. Just a thought, I'm worried about you.

Cyn said...

I would agree (and I know we all do) that my health is most important in this situation.

The hospital won't allow an 'elective' c-section or induction on the weekend, it has to be scheduled with my OB.

So,if we can make it through the weekend our options open up a lot.

I'm not really expecting the numbers to be better, but I'm hopeful that they won't be TOO much worse.

I agree, dates have now been thrown out the window, I'd just like to make it to Sunday, and then maybe Monday-one day at a time.