Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday-Everyone is home now!

Thank you all for sharing in this experience with us. We all got released on Tuesday afternoon after asking to be released. Everyone was doing fine and we were all eager to get home.

The growing family got the word at 2 that the babies and their bili rubin levels were stable and they were cleared to book a flight home. By 3:30 they were all packed up and ready to get home to P & L. They had to drive to San Francisco to catch their flight, but the babies (V & B) slept the whole way and did fantastic! The airport was incredibly helpful getting them onto their flight (S's body is healing from his accident, but he only had minimal use of his hands). They arrived home safely and are looking forward to introducing everyone Wednesday morning. I can only imagine what a special day it will be in their house-just like Christmas, only better!

As for me, I was told Tuesday morning that I could be discharged if I wanted or I could stay another day. At 5 am I was not ready to make that decision. By 2, I'd had a shower and had been moving around all day and felt I'd be OK to be released. I figured I may need a little assistance from hubby for a day or two, but that we'd be OK.

I know I'm jumping ahead here, but I will go back and record the whole process by the end of the week. Each day had it's own challenges and joys and I will try to sort through the memories clearly.

Brian picked the kids up from school, rented the hospital grade pump for me and came back to pick me up by 5. We picked up Subway for dinner, dropped by Target for my meds and were home with my kiddos by 6:30. I crawled into my bed and was instantly relieved to be in my comfy bed. I pumped and fell fast asleep. I woke up in time for bedtime snuggles and then it was time for bed again.

I'm actually doing really good for 2-3 days post c-section. I learned A LOT after the first c-section recovery and I applied all of the lessons. I got moving as soon as they would allow me and I've stayed on top of my pain meds. I'm still quite gassy, and very swollen, but I'm moving around pretty good (although cautious to not over do anything). Getting out of the bed requires a little bit of assistance (especially at my 4 am vicodin dose) and I'm a little stiff after I've been lying down, but I feel pretty good.

Emotionally I'm doing well. I was very touched by everyone's support and well wishes and I'm sure I'll cry when I see the 'family introduction' video, but I'm just so thankful to have been a part of something so amazing and with such a wonderful family. Nothing they do surprises me anymore, they are just so thoughtful and considerate of my feelings. At a time in their lives when everything should be all about them, they always think to check in on me and take my feelings into consideration.

There's so much to say and share and I find myself rambling in circles. Brian is home with me for the rest of the week, I've got a strict pumping and medication schedule and I intend to rest as much as possible as well. I'll stop rambling now and start at the beginning (Saturday night) soon.


Sanda said...

Sounds like the STE & S's trip back went well and I'm sure that they are so happy today to get to introduce the babies to everyone!
I am so glad to see you back and I can't wait to hear more! I hope that you are getting enough rest and are on the road to a speedy recovery! Take care of yourself!

Sarah Andrews said...

So great to hear from you Cyn! I have been thinking about you lots and so glad to hear that you are recovering well! Congrats on being home and to a wonderful journey!


Anonymous said...

Wow those babies are amazing! I hope all the healing goes well for you.

MyLifeMyWorld said...

I'm so glad your home and doing well. I have been thinking of you often over the last couple of days and hoping all was going well. Take care of yourself, you deserve the TLC right now.

Congrats again to STE and S, they sound like they have been very supportive of you and I'm glad that they have been considering you as you all transition to a new life and new relationship!

It's been such a pleasure to follow your journey, and for someone I have never met in person, I'm so very happy for all of you. Thank you for sharing.

Millie said...

Good to hear from you Cyn! Glad that everyone is doing good and back home.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!! A hundred times over, thank you for making the "Growing family" so happy. Totally indebted to you forever.!!!

Love you!

Melissa said...

A big congrats to everyone, the babies are so adorable! I'm glad that you are home and doing well. Take care of yourself and don't push it!

J and D said...

Sounds like you are doing so well Cyn. You are amazing. I am so glad the babies were able to go home. What a wonderful experience to be able to read about your journey.