Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Worst night of sleep!

Thankfully it wasn't physically uncomfortable. I had the most realistic, horrific dream and I couldn't break out of it, even when I knew it was just a dream. I dreamt that I went in for my OB check-up and the blood pressure was REALLY bad. Not just take it easy and we'll recheck you in 2 days, but get your butt to the hospital now! We're only 29 weeks and although the babies could probably survive, it simply wasn't OK with me. I spent all night trying to talk the nurse into just a few more days. Thankfully, I never even made it to the point of STE trying to get a flight, but boy did it shake me up.

Aside from my overactive imagination the babies are doing good. They're moving like they should and only occasionally pressing on my bladder. I think the oddest movements come when I roll onto my side to fall asleep, but they are still active in there. Heartburn stayed away until 8 last night and a quick Zantac with my prenatal, folic acid and aspirin took care of it quite quickly.

Tuesday was another nice day, although I did have to wake up with an alarm at 8. Ciera had a pitching lesson and Logan got to play with his cousins rather than hangout in the cold watching her. We then all met up at the theater to see A Tale of Despereaux. There were mixed reviews. Ciera had JUST finished rereading it Monday night, so she was quite upset that there were so many changes from the book. I read it 2 years ago, so I wasn't too bothered by the changes. I figured it was what they needed to do to recreate the story and make it interesting to all ages. My biggest complaint was Sigourney Weaver as the voice of the narrator. She set the mood for the whole movie, in my opinion, and she was so somber and dreary. I just wanted to take a nap, which I only did for a few minutes (I think). Logan enjoyed the film and liked seeing a visual for some of the 'lands' in the book (he read it in November).

After a quick stop at Kohl's for a Christmas shirt for Logan we came home to make tacos. Brian was kind enough to stop at Sam's Club for me to get a short list of items so that the kids and I didn't have to do it after the movie. He said the lines were horrible, I'm so thankful that I didn't have to do it. I was feeling quite tired by the time we got home. Ciera and I ran out to exchange her pants for the correct size, and to pick a few last minute items at Target. It seemed like I really needed something from Target, but we walked out with just floss. It was finally time for my hot bath. I didn't have any specific pains that night, but I needed to wash the dog so he smelled good for Christmas and didn't want to have to do it without my body feeling refreshed from the hot water.

Sleep felt so good when I initially turned out the lights.