Friday, December 19, 2008

Feeling better at 28 weeks 1 day

Aside from being a little tired because I stayed up reading too late, I'm feeling much better today.

I got all of the math copies done for the rest of the year. I no longer have to worry about not being able to make the copies in February when I need to rest more. I'm so thrilled to have it done. The teacher was great about planning ahead so I could get her all set up.

I also spent some time yesterday and today in Logan's class helping with a craft project. Lesson learned there-the babies did not like the effort involved with that yesterday.

Ciera's other teacher had some more typing for me this week and we got it finished up today as well.

Logan and I have come to a compromise in regards to his basketball practice. He understands that I'd really like to be there but that seating is really tough in the gym. He said as long as I'm not missing his practice to nap that he's OK with it. So last night was the first night that I didn't go. I had hoped that he would tell me about the practice, but he seemed to have more important things to do when he got home, like eat dinner. I'm still going to try and go to 1 of the 2 practices for a bit at least. I feel like I'm missing out by not being there.

So I'm hoping to officially start taking it a little easier again. I stayed up way too late last night finishing up the second book of the Mistborn trilogy, The Well of Ascension. I'm enjoying the series, but felt it could've been edited a little more. I'm getting inpatient waiting for 'stuff' to happen. There's just so much 'set-up'. This final book had better be good!