Monday, December 8, 2008

And one more thing...

I really don't mean to sound whiny and complain-y. This pregnancy has been everything I expected, some things that I had forgotten too, but totally expected pregnancy issues. If I could go back in time I would not change anything. I had really hoped delivering during cooler months would make the pregnancy easier and I think that it has. I also made decreased my commitments in anticipation for the pregnancy woes, and I think those changes have also made this twin pregnancy easier than the first.

But if I didn't write about my woes, there might not be anything to write about. The emotions for me during a surrogate pregnancy are so different than when I carried my own. I don't have hopes or dreams for the babies to share. I don't have random thoughts about the babies the way I would if they were my own. I just happily gestate, which means I only have the effects of pregnancy to discuss. And let's be honest, although pregnancy is amazing and beautiful, it's not entirely glamorous. There are countless issues that one doesn't really even want to discuss with the OB.

So bear with me when it sounds like I'm complaining a little too much. I really am mentally and emotionally thrilled to be pregnant with twins for the twins!


Sarah Andrews said...

Hi Cyn:

I don't think that you are whiny or complaining at all. It's par for the course really and for me, reading your blog helps me to understand what pregnancy is all about having never experienced it. It's definately not glamourous, but it's how it is and I appreciate your candour. If you were to blog about how wonderful you were feeling, I think that I would think that you are a pregnancy superhero with incredibly gestating powers! lol! Blog on sister!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Oh please, what else do we have to blog about if not the pregnancy itself! It's not like we're planning to have a baby or decorate a nursery, we're just "gestating" as you put it.

I love hearing about your pregnancy, the truth about it, not some fluff, afterall pregnancy is wonderous, but it has its moments too. I too love being pregnant, we wouldn't be surrogates otherwise, but that don't mean that it's all sunshine, just more sunshine than rain, but still some rain.

This is your blog, blog away about whatever your hearts desire!