Monday, December 8, 2008

Is it Friday yet?

Saturday was cold and foggy! The kids both still managed to have practice, but everyone was a bit chilly-probably about 40 degrees (I know it's nothing compared to what many of you deal with for several months, but for us it's darn cold). Logan had a great practice and is excited about his new team. The kids were all hand picked by the coaches and Brian said they all worked really well together. It will be exciting to see them play in January. I stayed at Ciera's practice, as Brian was the 'chosen' parent for Logan's practice. After practice we all had a delicious McDonald's lunch. Fresh fries are the best, fortunately they aren't always fresh.

Logan's final flag football game was even colder than the practices, but it was amazing to watch.. Although the ended the season with no wins, the boys had definitely improved and it was great to see them make some plays. Our proudest moment was when Logan intercepted a thrown and ran 3/4 of the field before getting his flag pulled. The team was then able to score their only touchdown of the game. Logan had a few other moments of glory, but nothing compares to his big play.

After the game Logan slept over at his grandparents' house with his cousin. Brian, Ciera and I planned to watch Prince Caspian that night. The disk wouldn't play on our bedroom DVD player, so they watched it downstairs. My back was not up for 2 hours on the couch, so I went to sleep early in my comfy, back loving bed.

Lunch on Sunday wasn't until 3:00, so I did nothing until 1:30 and then had to rush around to get ready. There were only 5 of us, but it was nice to catch up with the gals. We hadn't met up since October. I decided to go for the baked potato with chili. It was wonderful and made a great lunch for Monday as well. I felt fine throughout lunch, but by the time I got home not only did my back hurt, but so did my belly. I think things are really starting to get tight in there and I'm starting to really feel the stretch in my belly. I had a very hard time getting comfortable in bed, but once I was I slept great throughout the night. I only had to get up once to go to the bathroom, much better than the 2-3 times a night I'd been getting up.

I love that I can wake up in the mornings feeling refreshed and all better. I had big expectations for my day today. It took me longer than expected, but I did complete all of my 'to do hopes'. I cleaned the floors, counters, bathroom and unloaded the dishwasher (not my job by the way). I went to Target and almost have all of my shopping finished up, just a few more things that I'm waiting to go on sale. I turned in Logan's library books and checked out a few more. And I made dinner! I had planned to make meatloaf, but my ground turkey did not thaw out, only the ground beef. So with a quick change of plans we had spaghetti with meat sauce and cheesy, garlic biscuits. I tried the Ronzoni Smart Taste pasta and it was great! It has 3x the fiber than traditional white pasta, plus calcium.

My body is definitely tired, but I don't really have any back pain tonight. I do have some upper belly discomfort, but I think that's just going to happen more often these days. I'm looking forward to a hot shower, my heating pad and a good night's sleep.

Tomorrow should be a little easier. I am having lunch with a friend and I have some grocery shopping to do. The rest of the week is much calmer though. It's almost funny how constant the babies' movement is now. It seems like someone is always moving around in there. I'm looking forward to our next ultrasound on the 18th. They've got to be growing big!

I'm very excited that STE and I found a way to squeeze in a quick trip up to show off the belly. I"m really hoping with 3 days, there's bound to be a moment where she can finally feel the babies move. P & L are growing so fast, I'm sure it will be amazing to see them running around being 2 now. I'm also looking forward to a certain burger that has haunted me since my September visit. I may not eat anything else.

So, another Monday down, only 12 more to go!