Monday, December 22, 2008

First day of winter break!!

Well, today was a beautiful day of sleeping in and not rushing to get ready for school. Brian still had to work, but it was a great morning for the rest of us. I received a call at 7:20 that woke me up for a little bit, but after a morning snack I was back asleep by 8:30. We all woke up around 10.

It was a very leisurely day until Brian got home at 4. Logan played Guitar Hero World Tour and finally started receiving some sponsorships for his dandy drum work. Ciera watched a movie and played a lot of games on her laptop. I got to read some more of my book and we all played a little pool as well. We played a round of Skipbo, Fluxx and I convinced Logan to try Blokus again (he enjoyed it a little more this time).

When Brian got home, he took advantage of the hour of daylight and no rain with Ciera. I finally got a shower and then we headed out for dinner. The kids both really wanted KFC and since I love them, I agreed to go. I tend to have an issue with meat on a bone, and I can't really stomach the taste or smell of chicken, so I had some mashed potatoes and figured I'd eat at home tonight. I did manage to take meat out of the freezer for tomorrow's dinner as well as Friday's though. We stopped by the grocery store for some last minute Christmas food items and I was pleased to find my favorite soup on sale for $1 a can again.

I have only a few pregnancy complaints today. My calf muscles are still killing me from the leg cramps two nights ago and the heartburn this evening is pretty bad. Thankfully the pelvic pain is gone. After showering this evening I went to get dressed and was surprised to find that my 'big belly' shirts actually fit quite well now (they used to hang really big) and the belly is looking bigger every day. The checker at the grocery store asked me when I was due and was shocked to hear March, until I told her there were two. It's always surprising when you find that something no longer fits or suddenly fits perfectly after being way too large for so long. I definitely expect to have to order more pants soon, but not until I know which ones fit in January.

Not a bad way to start the week.


MyLifeMyWorld said...

Awe I just love xmas vacation. I too am off and then will go back for a couple of weeks only to hopefully deliver and take more time off.

Glad to hear your feeling good. The heartburn sucks so bad, I so understand, besides Gaviscon and Zantax there is nothing that can be done.

If your getting Charlie horses, have you considered upping your Calcium, my doc said it was a Calcium deficiancy and to take suppliments that was causing my Charlie Horses. I usually have to start taking them in the last trimester, which for you carrying twins is like

Hope you have a great Christmas, take care of yourself and can't wait to hear more updates! Maybe some pics of you in a fashion shoot in January, wink wink.