Friday, December 12, 2008

27 weeks 1 day!!

Wow!! I'll try to get a picture up tonight.

I've actually felt pretty darn good, considering how far along we are. Two nights in a row I went to bed without a backache, and yesterday was a pretty busy day. I really didn't do much for a typical person, but it took me several hours to get through my grocery shopping.

I started off the morning with my weekly copies and then was headed to Wal-Mart and Sam's Club for some much needed groceries. I was already feeling tired just thinking about it. I stopped by Kohl's first to return a too small outfit for Logan and pick up a few things I still needed for Christmas. Then I stopped for a mid-morning meal at Chick-Fil-A. Typically chicken has been despised by these babies, but they do allow me the occassional fried strip (but not KFC).

I had a list but forgot where I put it. I had to walk through the entire store, but at a very leisurely rate (there is no rushing anywhere for me anymore). Then I headed next door feeling very tired, but knowing I still needed milk, eggs and corn dogs. By the time I got home, I had been shopping for 4 hours. I'm never going to win the fastest shopper award at this rate. Once home I decided I was only unpacking the perishables. The rest could wait for Brian to get home.

After school it was time to get my final packages in order. Everything is now in the right piles, bag or box and just waiting for finishing touches. I'm hoping to get most of that done today so I can get it off my counter.

We finally got to the meatloaf and Dark Knight. Both were quite enjoyable. The meatloaf was exactly what I expected and I look forward to it for lunch today. The movie however, was much better than I expected. Logan bailed, but Ciera actually stuck around and said she was glad she did by the end.

I threw some laundry in so it wouldn't take as long today and it was time to do Logan's forgotten homework. Once finished he agreed to play Skipbo with me. Skipbo is one of my favorite games and the kids have refused to play it with me for several years. Logan finally agreed 2 nights ago and remembered how much he enjoyed it. Looks like we'll get to play a lot of Skipbo at Christmas!

So the big plans for today are to finish up the laundry and gifts, pack my things and read my book, which has gotten VERY good finally. I'm so looking forward to my trip this weekend. The babies move all the time now and have been quite kind about it this week (I think the placenta in the front really helps to cushion some of the blows).

I can hardly believe that the kids only have 1 more week of school and that Christmas is right around the corner! I'd been telling myself throughout the early part of the pregnancy that things will be OK until around Christmas and then the tough part may start. When I think back to how I felt at this point in the last pregnancy, I really am feeling so much better. It was June though and there was a lot of sitting outside for baseball games in the heat. I really am hoping my plan to deliver in the cooler months pays off. So far it does seem to be helping. It's been about 50-55 degrees during the day and I'm feeling perfect in my pants, 3/4 length sleeve shirt and sandals.


Anonymous said...

Glad your feeling good. It's definately better being big and preggers in the winter than the dead of heat summer!

Sharing a Dream

Melissa said...

I'm so happy to hear that you are feeling great, I can't believe you are already 27 weeks! It sounds like to me you had a very busy, productive day!