Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Double digits baby!!

99 days to go until the due date!! Has this pregnancy gone by so fast for anyone else?

I got a call this morning from my OB. My glucose results are in and I passed-barely. I'm chalking that up to my breakfast though. I should've known better than to go in there with only a belly full of sugar. Cocoa Nuggets is not the smartest breakfast before they check your sugar levels. Here's the funny part: Doc wants to know what happened, it says in my chart that I wasn't very helpful. Actually what it says is that I refused orders, not much better. Doc took a look and agreed that there was no reason for me to have taken all of the tests that were ordered. All I really needed was the glucose screening and the CBC to check my iron. So he has reordered the iron check and I'll go down and get that drawn. I just think it's humorous that the tech had to record anything about my refusal, which wasn't an outright refusal. I just wanted to verify with my Dr. that the tests were actually necessary. I figured the insurance would have a fit if I took a 3 HIV test in 1 year, not to mention all of the others. So my Dr assured me that he doesn't have anything written in my chart that alludes to me being a difficult patient and that I did the right thing.

Yesterday was a good day. I made it all day without any lower back pain, I can already feel it today though. Not much got accomplished yesterday. I'm mentally preparing packages to mail out if I ever get the boxes from the Post Office and I got to watch a final flag football practice. The kids had a fairly good day at school and I didn't read a single new page of the book Brian gave me to read (name will come later). There was a lot of movement as I watched TV last night from 10-11pm and again this morning they have made their presence known.

I'm headed out in a bit to Ikea. I haven't been in years and I need/want a few things. While I'm down in Sacramento I thought it would be nice to have lunch with Melissa since we were unable to have our usual ultrasound lunch last month. It's hard to believe we have another ultrasound in just a few short weeks.

Here's another thing I've been thinking about lately. The entire pregnancy process is amazing. The way something so small and inconsequential can grow into something so life changing. And then you throw surrogacy into the mix and I am literally stunned at times that I really am able to grow someone else's baby. That the movements inside of my uterus right now were intentionally put there and will change so many lives in so many ways. I just think it's amazing how an embryo grows into a actual human being! Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of such a miraculous event!


Jaymee said...

Congratulations, you difficult patient. That is just too funny. I know that it was a pain, and I am really sorry about that but I really needed a laugh today. It would have not been funny, but you are an excellent surrogate, so I am laughing. Sorry about the back pain, hope it goes away and stays away.