Monday, December 1, 2008

Yet another Monday

It's Monday and the kids had to return to school. I was quite surprised that the morning went smoothly. Everyone was up and showered on time and nobody said anything about being exhausted and not wanting to go to school. However, we woke up to a very foggy morning. It looked like it would be so cold today. It was 42 on the way to school instead of 49. I put on my sweater and socks thinking it would finally be cool enough to wear them. Within 30 minutes I knew that was a mistake.

After dropping the kids off I stopped by Lowe's to see if they still had the clearance bathtub I saw over the weekend. A $600 tub marked down to $55 and I had a coupon for $10 off as well. We won't start the bathroom overhaul until the babies are born, but at $45 I couldn't pass it up. It's about a foot bigger than the one we have and the bonus, it's a good 8 inches deeper. It will actually cover more than just our knees!

While I was dressed and ready for the day I figured I should head to Roseville and do my glucose screening. There were a few things I did not take into account this morning. 1) My sweater made it difficult to draw my blood. It's not really meant to be pushed up that far on my arm. 2)If you're going in for a glucose screening, perhaps you should not have a super sugary breakfast. I ran out of raspberry preserves for my english muffins again, so I had a bowl of cocoa nuggets and my giant cup of cocoa with creamer (I only use 1/4 of the cocoa mix though). Hopefully breakfast doesn't skew the results. The good news is that my lab now has the orange drink and it's really not so bad. The cola flavored option is horrible to try to get down, but the orange was a piece of cake. The hardest part was sitting in the waiting room for an hour in my too hot sweater and socks and too big belly to sit comfortably in a waiting room chair for an hour. But I survived and only have a little bit of lower back pain as a result.

After my sugar rush I ran a few errands and picked up some more milk and bread at Costco. The price of milk has dramatically decreased since last week. I was able to get 2 gallons for $3.45. I've been paying $4.30 for 2 gallons and been happy about it. Once I got home I immediately took off my socks and changed into a short sleeved shirt-much better!

My mom came by to bring me some Thanksgiving leftovers. She graciously cooked a 2nd turkey so that I could have a lot of white meat. She surprised me by bringing some homemade rolls, stuffing and a cheesecake!

Somehow after spending some time on the Internet, it was already 2:55 and time to pick up the kids. Neither one of them seem to remember that I promised this morning to turn on the heater. I still think it's comfortable in the house. We'll have to see if Brian notices tonight. I figure that the savings on our heating bill this pregnancy will make up for the cooling costs of the last pregnancy.

The tree is still decoration-less and it may stay that way for a while longer. We have a bit of work to do tonight to get the house picked up enough for the cleaning tomorrow.

Overall I'd say it wasn't too bad of a day, for a Monday.


Anonymous said...

Good luck on the glucose test. Did Lowes, in fact, have the tub? That's an amazing deal!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Ahhhh, the glucose test is the BEST! NOT. Mostly it's not the drink but sitting in the waiting room in those awful chairs with a huge belly for the hour. Glad you made it through okay, despite being too hot.

I have done that too with blood work and not the right types of shirts, I have had to whip my arm out of the sleeve while trying to cover up my bra and tatas giving blood. Good times!