Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

We had a wonderful time and thanks to my SIL we have PHOTOS!! We of course brought our camera, but neglected to think about needing batteries. These are a few of my favorite shots a couple that how the 28 week 6 day belly. Each year the cousins have to take a picture together before we can open gifts. They all had a little fun with it this year. And look out, Jack and Logan will be hitting the runway soon!

It was a nice evening with delicious food, good conversation, a few rounds of skipbo and fun opening gifts. The kids were all pleased with what they received and everyone left happy with a full belly.

We got home around 10 and Brian and I went straight to bed after putting away 'the loot'. The kids both stayed up going through their stuff for quite awhile, but were asleep by midnight for sure. Logan got a reading timer that he tried out that night. He told me Christmas morning that he had read for 36 minutes that night. He's very excited about keeping track of it and we're just thrilled that he's finally decided it's OK to read! Ciera surrounded herself on her floor with all of her new goodies, just opening everything and checking it all out. She did ask for a garbage bag so she could clean it all up when both mine and Brian's jaws dropped when we saw the 'mess'.

The rule on Christmas morning is that they need to stay in their rooms or come to ours. Logan asked if he could just sit on the couch and 'look at it', to which I replied no, I want to see your face when you look at it.

The babies did pretty good all night. I had taken my heating pad knowing that I might need it for my back before we were to leave, but we did OK. I made it home with no obvious physical aches. They are getting big though!
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