Sunday, December 21, 2008

Saturday was pretty darn good!

I felt pretty good for most of Saturday. We had a fairly busy day planned so I was pleased to find myself feeling more comfortable. The belly continues to shift from one side to the other. It's pretty funny to look each morning and see where more of the babies are hanging out.

I had a mental list of things for Brian and I do get done by 1:00. Brian recycled our newspapers, did the dishes, took Ciera out to pitch, returned the Blockbuster movies, took Ciera to Ross to check for 'skinny jeans' her friend told her about and played 'bed football' with Logan. Ciera and Logan basically just had to shower. I finished wrapping gifts, wiped down the kitchen, picked up the house and did some more laundry.

We were due to arrive at my mil's at 4:30 for a birthday dinner for Brian's sister and her husband. So we ran our errands on the way. Nobody ever likes it when the whole family runs errands together, but in the interest of time we all sucked it up and got it done. We stopped by Extra Innings for Ciera to hit and Logan and I played 2 rounds of Yahtzee ( I lucked into a Yahtzee each game, so I won-rarely does that happen). We then went to Winco to pick up soda, pie and sherbet for Christmas desserts. Our final stop, Sam's Club. The family ate a hot dog or pizza while I gathered the few things we needed (including a tub of Red Vines, a jar of Raisinets and 2 Spa pillows from Aunt Patty-thanks Aunt Patty, the kids were thrilled). I was so pleased that we made it on time. I tend to underestimate how much time I'll need to get places these days, so I was thrilled that we arrived shortly before 4:30, rather than after.

Now, my knees had begun to ache a little before we left to do the errands. Tylenol seemed to help with that. By the time we left dinner my back was aching a little as well, a hot shower helped there and I didn't even need the heating pad. My biggest physical complaint of the day would be the leg cramps I woke up to several times during the night. Painful, but normal. I probably need to up my calcium and potassium.

Dinner was really nice. Somehow breaded pork chops has become a bit of a family favorite, which is not so bad if you just have to make them for a family of 4. The challenge comes in when you're preparing pork chops for 10! My poor MIL makes it look so easy though and they are always delicious! I'm pretty sure one can never have too many pork chops. Then she really outdid herself by having not just mashed potatoes, but scalloped potatoes as well! We all had to wait quite awhile before anyone was ready for dessert (except the kids). Dessert was wonderful once we finally got to it-Cheesecake Factory Chocolate Tuxedo Cream Cake (and key lime pie, chocolate silk pie and sherbet). I would not have thought to ever try this, but it was DELICIOUS, very rich, but delicious!! We had a nice evening playing games and arrived home around 10, in bed by 11.


Queenie327 said...

Thanks Cyn, It's fun to cook when everyone eats and enjoys it.

Sarah Andrews said...

Goodness - dessert sounds soooooooo good! My mouth is watering now - thanks! :)

J and D said...

Sounds like a ton of fun!!! Yummy food and spending time with your family is a great way to begin the Holiday season.