Thursday, December 18, 2008

28 week appointment and revelations

Have you noticed how calmly the babies float around in the ticker? That is not what they are currently doing! These are definitely mischievous little ones! The entire weekend with their parents they floated around nicely, just like in the ticker. But as soon as I get back to CA, BAM! The babies are up to no good at all!

The ultrasound today confirmed that they are definitely playing tricks. Our great scanner Katie, went right in and thought little boy had somehow lost his boy parts! They both had moved around SO much that they were no longer where they've been the entire pregnancy. Little girl has moved herself up towards the middle of my uterus, still head down, but barely. Little boy has been lying sideways with his head on my right and his bum on my left. He somehow flipped himself all the way around and is now resting comfortably with his head on my left and his bum on my right. The bright side to this was we were able to get an image of both of their heads in the same shot. The downside is that my stomach feels like it's about to explode due to the recent change in location. I asked Brian tonight if he thought my stomach stuck out further and his reply was that it looked bigger when I came back from my trip. Can one really grow that much in 3 days or does the difference in position make a huge difference in how big I look? I'm guessing a little of both, since I personally believe the big position changes occurred in the last 2 days. We'll never really know, but little girl now has plenty of space to flip breech so we don't even get the luxury of considering a vaginal delivery.

The good news is that both babies are growing right on target and have beautiful heart rates of 147. Yes, both babies have a heart rate of 147. Little girl is measuring 28weeks 2 days and is estimated to be 2 lbs 12 oz. Little boy is measuring a little smaller at 27weeks 4 days and is estimated to be 2 lbs 8 oz. Also, due to little boys new positioning we were unable to get a decent face shot of him. There are some beautiful shots of little girl though. She was moving her mouth and chin around and she looked so much like her brother P's profile. It will be amazing to see what these babies look like. It somehow hadn't occurred to me until today that they could look like their siblings, or not. I hadn't actually considered what they might look like.

I am secretly hoping to have "Katie" scan us for the rest of the pregnancy (2 more scans). She is so quick, and thorough and she remembers every detail of our journey. She remembered where the babies had previously been located and that they were a girl and boy. She even remembered where mom and dad live. The office insists on booking me for 2 hours so the tech has time to check both babies. 2 hours is a little more time than is needed though. Our previous ultrasound took over 1 1/2 hours and it was quite uncomfortable for me. Katie is so good, she had everything measured in less than 30 minutes! Considering I'm on my back for the whole time, 30 minutes is such a gift!

My cervix is also measuring where we'd like it to be and is giving no worries yet. This was fantastic to hear since I'd been having discomfort in my pelvic region and I was a bit concerned that it wasn't 'normal'. Turns out everything I've been feeling is in fact normal and perhaps I should read some more pregnancy books. I am in fact pregnant!

(Ultrasound and belly pictures will be posted before bedtime tonight)


Sarah Andrews said...

oh yay! That sounds like a great scan! It's so wonderful to hear that the babes are doing well. Cyn - you are wonder woman to me! Great descriptions!

Sanda said...

Sounds like some serious gymnastics happening in there! I'm glad things checked out good though - sounds like those two are doing fantastic! And I definitely hope you get your u/s tech wish :)

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Glad to hear everything is well.

I had the really bad pelvic pain too, I was so worried I actually went to the hospital. What the doc said to me was because I had so many babies and especially the twins, that the baby drops a bit lower and sooner than other pregnancy and it's the ligaments stretching, which you would think previous pregnancies would make each one easier, afterall they've already been stretched before right? Not true, it makes it more painful. It's just the opposite. Each time the ligaments stretch in pregnancy, it can be more painful and more cramps. Fun eh?