Monday, January 12, 2009

Woe is me

I don't have enough time to go back to bed before picking up the kids, so I may as well update some. I went back to bed this morning and slept from 9-2, virtually uninterrupted (I only had to go potty twice as opposed to every 2 hours last night).

Friday, Logan stayed home because he wasn't feeling well. He hung out in the recliner all day while I napped in the morning. I was having congestion on Friday, but not feeling horrible. I knew something was trying to take hold, but I thought I was still winning. The babies did a lot of BIG stretching, pushing out on the belly and distorting the shape.

Saturday we had Logan's basketball game at 9. Logan scored 6 points and played a great game, although they did lose. He was feeling much better, just explosive sneezes, but I was starting to feel worse. My eyes were really bothering me and aching quite a bit and I was developing a deep cough that would come and go. So I spent the rest of the day in bed sleeping, reading and watching movies.

Sunday when I woke up my eyes felt much better, still congested but I looked a little bit alive I thought. Logan had his first indoor soccer game and it was so much fun! We had a blast watching it and he had a really good time playing, despite his nerves about having never played indoor soccer. They even won and Logan got to play offense, defense and goalie! The babies were quite active during the game and would jut body parts out all over, but they were gentle.

My head is pounding today and I'm still quite congested. I broke down this morning at took 2 Tylenol and had to take two more just now. Once the headache goes away I feel almost human, but all I want to do is sleep. My poor belly isn't even screaming for food (although I've given it a few snacks in my awake hours-the babies are still hungry I'm sure). Maybe this is why I gained so much weight, so that the babes would be fine when I needed to sleep 3 days straight!


Anonymous said...

Awe you poor thing, colds suck. Hopefully you'll kick this pretty quick. Maybe try some clemintines, their in season now and I know this babygirl is just loving them and the Vitamin C can only help.

I'd send you some Chicken Soup but I don't think it would taste too good by the time it got to you. Sending it in thoughts instead.


Cyn said...

They are one of the few things I've eaten today. I'd been eating them like candy since Thanksgiving.

Chicken soup? yeah, that has chicken in it-can't even think of eating chicken (although breaded seems ok still).

I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow. I see the dr. tomorrow as well, so that's reassuring.