Thursday, January 22, 2009

33 weeks! How did that happen?

I need to come up with another adjective besides amazing, but I'm continually amazed at how close we are to these babes being born! 33 weeks is within the time frame that many people deliver twins! I of course am holding out until at least 37 weeks, and feel fairly confident that we'll meet my goal, but 33 weeks is really far along!

I tried the semi-reclined on my back sleeping last night and got a way better night's sleep. I really want to be sleeping on my side, so I of course tried it a few times only to wake with hip pain, so on my back I slept.

I finished up my 'big' copy job today and now will only have about 15 minutes of copies to do each week (for as long as I'm feeling up to it). I finally got to Target and took my last 'full lap' of the store before the babies are born. I'm sure I'll still end up at Target, but only for specific items and I won't look at everything. While there I realized I need to start really preparing 'my house' for the birth. There are some items I need to buy and pumping things I'll need. It's probably easier for me to pick them up now than to send Brian out to get them while I'm stuck in bed (of course in my head I'm assuming c-section recovery, as this is the worst case scenario). I need to have Brian pull down my 'end of pregnancy' box and see what I already have.

After Target it was time to eat. I was very hungry this morning (and last night, I had to get up for a quick bowl of cereal before I could fall asleep). I went to lay down around 12 and figured I'd just watch some TV in bed. I woke to my alarm 2 1/2 hours later. It was a good nap (on my back), but I was very aware that I was making horrible noises that quite often come out of Brian's mouth while he sleeps. So although sleeping on my back, semi-reclined, is more comfortable I don't know that I can live with the knowledge that it causes me to snore horribly!

On the way to pick up the kids I decided it was time to act on my craving that I've been fighting since Monday. We were going to stop by McDonald's for a sundae! It turned out to be a good day for it, Logan was quite upset about a school project that he wasn't understanding. It gave us a chance to really talk about the project and what's bothering him about it. Anyone want to explain metaphors, similes and imagery to a 9 year old? Hopefully his dad can explain it better than his teacher did.

So I forgot to take the ground beef out of the freezer for dinner. We can either have a small turkey meatloaf or maybe the Hamburger Helper Chili Mac will sound as good to the kids as it did to me. I haven't had Hamburger Helper in years, but when I saw the box at Target it sounded SO good!!

We had another cool, drizzly day and I thoroughly enjoyed the change in temperature. Ill get a 33 week belly picture taken tonight (although probably headless as I have opted to pull my hair back all week rather than mess with it-haircut is next week). Hopefully I can even get it posted tonight. Logan has basketball tonight and that's it, everyone in bed by 9!


Sanda said...

Congrats on 33 weeks! Sounds like you are doing really good considering that those babies are probably getting pretty big at this point! I'm glad you found a slightly more comfortable way to sleep!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

33 WEEKS WOOHOOO. Just 4 or so more weeks to go till 37. I'm glad your sleeping better, who cares about the snoring, as long as it isn't waking you up...hahaha. Figure you lived with it from hubby for so long, his turn to deal.

Take care of yourself and big congrats on the 33 week mark!

Cyn said...

That's actually the really sad part. I only know I'm snoring because I AM waking myself up!