Thursday, January 15, 2009

Movement video, or two or three-for those with patience and a deep desire to see the babies move

These are videos from last week as I was playing the babies the CD that their family made for them.

There's a tiny nudge on my left side. It comes after I touch my belly the first time, but before I touch it the second time. Look closely!

This one is a bit longer, but there's some pretty good movement in it starting about 1/2 way through. I tend to point out where the movement occurred, after it happened. You may want to start in the middle of the clip.

Here's one final clip. This one is much shorter and has a pretty good bump/wiggle towards the beginning.

If you made it through and saw any movement, Congratulations!! You have amazing patience!


Melissa said...

You've got a very busy tummy!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

I saw the movement in all the clips!! The sound though wasn't working for me, but hey who needs sound? :)

Cyn said...

That's probably for the best. I think the TV was really loud.

Sanda said...

I saw movement in all of them!! Cool videos!!!