Monday, January 12, 2009

Babies are good-me not so great

I've had a cold trying to take hold since last week and I think it may be winning. The babies were well behaved and quite active all weekend. I've got lots to say, but me eyes desperately want to be closed and in bed. I'm hoping to sleep away the cold and wake up one of these days feeling human again.


Sarah Andrews said...

Feel better Cyn! I didn't think that people could get colds in California with all that sunshine and warm weather! Hugs!

Betsey said...

I am so sorry you aren't feeling good. Let me know if you need anything.

Earthybirthy said...

Aw, i hope you're feeling better soon. Sending you some virtual hot tea and rest!

Melissa said...

I'm sorry that you aren't feeling so good! Rest up and you be back on your feet in no time!

Sanda said...

Oh no :( I hope you are feeling better soon!!

MyLifeMyWorld said...

I'm sorry your so sick. I'm still trying to get over my cold from just after Christmas, colds are getting nastier and nastier these days. Hope your feeling better soon! Get lots of rest. Hugs