Monday, January 5, 2009

30 weeks 4 days OB appointment

This morning started off pretty good. The timing was perfect for everyone to get a hot shower and I thought we were going to make it into the car on time (we needed to leave a few minutes earlier than normal due to my OB appointment). As I'm loading the car, Logan comes out and tells me that Ciera has spilled her Top Ramen all over (this was to be her lunch). I return to the house to find that at least it all made it down the sink, after spilling onto her wrists. I didn't freak out and I calmly asked her what else she could take for lunch. We sent her off with a thermos of hot water in hopes that it would be hot enough to make her Cup of Noodles. The other oops of the morning was Logan neglected to bring his lunch box with him to the car. He knew I was going to be gone all morning so he made due with some extra snacks at school. Tomorrow the lunch stuff will go better.

On my drive to the OB I tried to relax and breathe and not worry if I was late. I really didn't want to see the blood pressure go wacky due to a hectic first morning back to school. The appointment had originally been scheduled for 10:30, but they called and asked me to come in at 8:30-who does that to a pregnant mother?

So I get there at 8:32 and am supposed to somehow pee into a little tiny cup. This had been getting difficult, but it was darn near impossible today. I've never gotten so little of it into the cup before. If I can remember I'll bring something with a bigger opening for next time. I did question my Dr. about whose bright idea that was and he admitted that he had never really thought about how difficult it could be.

We'll start with the weight. When I go back for my next appointment (next Tuesday) I'll have to ask for my weight at each appointment. But according to what I have written down, I have now gained at least 50 pounds at 31 weeks!!(insert jaw dropping emoticon here) Here's the worst part, my numbers show I've gained almost 30 pounds since I was 20 weeks (30lbs in 11 weeks?) I'm not quite sure what to think. I know the babies have a lot of growing to still do, but I remember still gaining quite easily in the last 8 weeks. I of course still have to eat, but I guess I should pay a little more attention to what I'm eating. I'm certainly not going to obsess over it, but I do find it amusing that STE was so worried during the first pregnancy about how on earth someone could gain as much weight as the twin book recommended. Unfortunately, the book doesn't address if you gain too much weight.

Blood pressure? Today I was 120/80 with a pulse of 90 something. They didn't mention it, so I guess it must be OK. So Dr. comes in and usually checks the heartbeat with the doppler, all the while telling me that there's no real way to know if we're hearing two separate heartbeats or just one. Today he tells me there's an old ultrasound machine available and asked if I'd like to play around. Uh, yeah! So off we go and he wasn't kidding. It was a very grainy, blurry old machine. But he was able to pull up baby girl's head right away (still head down, for now) and see her heart beating (no rates or measurements, just a peek). He then quite easily found little boy's head on my right side, still lying transverse, and his little heart beating.

With nothing else to really do, we talked some about the birth and the possibilities. He's still not opposed to trying a vaginal birth should I go into labor before a set c-section date and even agreed that we could consider inducing around 39 weeks if labor hasn't started on it's own. Now if little boy continues to be transverse, we can see what happens once his sister comes out. He could quite easily be manipulated into the correct position, or not. Nothing is really certain except that I do have options, which is nice to know. We'll wait until the 36 week ultrasound and see how things are looking then.

I'm now on every other week appointments and we'll just continue to monitor things. Both OB's will be out of the office in two weeks, so I'll go back for a recheck next Tuesday instead and then our 32 week ultrasound on Thursday.

As for my back pain, it's nonexistent as long as I don't overexert myself. I used the heating pad Saturday night, but I hadn't used it for over a week. I think I will be using it tonight though. I spent a little too long sitting at the computer trying to figure out where I wanted to buy my Bella Band from.

Next on the schedule was an oil change, and apparently a 15,000 mile service. Thank goodness for the prepaid maintenance plan. They had me out the door in less than 2 hours, I didn't even get to finish my entire book. I then headed off to the mall to try and find the Bella Band. Of course my Nordstrom only carries size 1 and 2-not even recommended if you're carrying multiples. So I stopped by Winco to pick up some more soda for the family and a few other items and then head home.

I enjoyed a lovely lunch of leftover spaghetti with meat sauce and then headed to bed. I finished up the last few chapters of my book, The Reader, and then snuggled up with the puppy for an hour nap before picking up the kids. I had somehow forgotten how good and decadent a lunchtime nap felt. I think I can get used to that again.

After school Logan and I played two rounds of Uno and then snuggled in the bed while he watched some horrible show and I rested my eyes. Lasagna is now in the oven and then we can all go to bed early. I woke up this morning with a headache and achy body, so I'm hoping that my body was just tired and I feel much better tomorrow.


Melissa said...

Wow that sounds like a great appointment and day!!! I didn't know that they couldn't tell if they were hearing two heartbeats or the same one twice...interesting and worrisome at the same time. Did you get any pics from the u/s?

Cyn said...

Nope, no pictures as this was just a quick, unscheduled check.

Dr. always spends a bit of time trying for both heartbeats and we always 'hear' two, but there's really no way of knowing that they're from different babies, which is why we ultrsound every 4 weeks to monitor. He also doesn't measure my fundus, as the measurements don't hold the same accuracy that they do with a singleton, another reason for ultrasounds every 4 weeks to verify proper growth.

Jenn.. .. .. said...

Wow, Cyn, I can't believe you're almost 31 weeks. THe time has flown by. (Well, at least on my end, lol). Sounds like things are going great and I'm so excited you might get a vbac! How awesome!!!