Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cooler again

It finally cooled back down! We had a lovely overcast day that only reached mid 50's. We've had a bit of light rain as well. It was so nice to put on my jeans and not feel entirely overheated. I was still able to comfortably wear my sandals, but this is a nice temperature. And it should stay in this range for at least another week!

I had plans to have lunch with a friend today, but she sounds just as miserable as I was last week. So, another day of rest for me. I intended to take just a short nap, but found myself sleeping from 10-1:30. It sure feels nice though.

Logan got to go to a friend's house after school today and was thrilled to learn he'd get to play for 3 hours! He's doing very good with his Johnny Tremain reading. We set a schedule of a chapter every 2 days and he thought it would be impossible, but he's finding it very easy to get through 10 pages at school just during silent reading time. And the best part is he's actually enjoying it (as am I). The first chapter was a little slow, but chapters 2 & 3 have been great. I'm reading it along with him so that I know if he's getting it when he gives me his chapter summaries.

Since Logan was with a friend, Ciera got to do some shopping at Ross. We have a new Ross in town and it's never very crowded. I'm able to comfortably send her in with a phone while I wait in the van. She doesn't usually find much except shirts, but she's enjoying getting to go in and 'browse'. Then she was off to pitch with her dad.

I'm feeling very congested in my head again and can feel the ache behind my nose. I'm just hoping it's a temporary thing. I guess I'm back to drinking hot tea and using my saline spray. Dinner is cooking, wild rice with mushroom and turkey soup and bread. The family really enjoyed this soup the last time I cooked it, so we'll see.

Tomorrow I've got a bit of copying in the morning and then some more resting. We'll see how long it takes before all of this resting gets old-so far I'm enjoying it immensely. I did find it difficult to sleep soundly last night and I'm not sure if it's because I slept so much during the day or if it's pregnancy related. I find myself waking up and having to flip over because my hip is hurting from lying on it. I may try to sleep more reclined tonight and see if it helps.

The babies have become fairly predictable with their movements. I don't know when it will happen, but the spots where I feel movement are always the same. STE sent me over a picture of a baby born still inside of the placenta and it was amazing to see. It's amazing how scrunched up they really are and how little room they have to move around. There's no flailing around-just pushes.


Rebekah said...

I'm sorry about the sinus pain/pressure!! I hope it clears up for you soon. :)

MyLifeMyWorld said...
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Earthybirthy said...

Hopefully the sinus ickiness stays at bay and its just due to the change in weather! I'm loving the rain today, so thankful for it!