Saturday, January 17, 2009

A baby is being born today!!

Journey of Hope and Sharing a Dream are in labor and at the hospital!! They are 37weeks 2/3 days and expecting a precious little girl. I am so thrilled for them. They worried about not making it to the hospital in time and labor starting at night. Well it looks like neither of those things happened.

I'm not sure what I could say that would top this news. Little boy actually woke me up Friday morning at 3am with some intense movement! This is the first time they've woken me up. Every day I look at my calendar to see what's coming up and I just can't believe we are so close to the finish line. February seemed so far away in July and honestly it's right around the corner! I'm taking it easy and being very cautious and practical about what I do, but I honestly feel so much better at 32 weeks than I did last time in the middle of July. My back is not hurting as much as it did even a month ago, and same with my legs. I really am expecting pelvic issues and pains as well as things move around and with little girl's head there, but honestly aside from having to use the bathroom before I walk anywhere, it's not been too bad (yet). Plus my cold is almost entirely gone and perhaps that's why I'm feeling 'soo' good.


Wewurtskihit said...

when you talk to them tell them our thoughts are with them in this hour!


MyLifeMyWorld said...

Thanks so much for updating for us and all your well wishes!

Take care of those babes, this time goes by so fast I'm still shell-shocked over it all.

I guess your next, but hold on till the end, it's going to be magical.