Wednesday, January 28, 2009

33 weeks 6 days!

I got all of my 'errands' finished up within an hour this morning and headed back to bed. Around 11 I received a call from Logan that he still wasn't feeling well. This morning after his shower he complained about his tummy hurting, but at recess (9:45) he said he was fine. So I picked him up and we both headed back to bed. We both fell asleep and only woke because I set my alarm.

After picking up Ciera and her friend, Logan decided to take some Tylenol, as he was absolutely burning up. The thermometer got to 101 before we gave up taking it because it was making him so cold. Once the Tylenol kicked in he was feeling much better. We'll see how tonight goes. I'm expecting to keep him home for at least another day though.

We had french bread pizza with pepperoni, mushroom and olives. Brian and Logan claimed it was way better than Little Caesar's pizza, so that felt good. We then got to move on to dessert. I found Girl Scout Thin Mint ice cream at the store and I'd been waiting all day for some. It was definitely as good as I remembered it being.

I'm going to try to get some school work done with Logan while he's feeling up to it and then head to bed. You'd think after sleeping all day and afternoon I wouldn't be tired in the evenings, but I'm doing just fine getting to bed-and still sleeping quite well.

Tomorrow is my OB appointment. I have a ton of questions about the delivery and what our actual odds of a vaginal delivery are. I was going to visit a friend after the appointment, but that will have to be rescheduled now that Logan's not feeling great. I'd hate to get her kids sick also.

My swelling has been much better the last few days and I've been feeling quite normal (normal for a 33 week pregnant woman that is). The babies have continued to be active all day, but they've been taking turns better.


Sanda said...

Hope your OB appointment goes well and hope your boy is feeling better soon! Those girl scouts have already been knocking down my door and I just can't resist those cookies!! Today is freezing though (at least for Texas standards) so I can't quite think about ice cream right now, but I'm sure it's great!