Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday, 33 weeks 4 days

Today has been a good day!

The bug guy came and set up traps for the mouse/mice that seem to love our garage. He'll be back Wednesday to 'remove' the little guys. He says they are actually quite easy to get rid of. I hope that's true. Logan has asked for us to get rid of the mice for his birthday-a fairly small request I think.

I got a hold of the lawyer doing our pre-birth order today. The documents should be here tomorrow and within a week or two we should have our pre-birth order. For those unfamiliar, the pre-birth order is what makes it possible for STE & S to go directly on the birth certificate at the hospital and my name is not mentioned anywhere (which is exactly how it should be). It also insures that the hospital staff will recognize them as the parents and the ones to make all parental decisions for the twins' care. Things went so smoothly last time as a result of the pre-birth order and no one even once asked me a thing about the twins' care-they knew I was not the mother (which was also great to not have to explain over and over). Last time we had our pre-birth order well before 33 weeks, so we've all been a little anxious about it. It feels great to know that the ball is rolling and it will be done soon.

I then headed back to bed and figured I'd read or watch TV since I wasn't feeling tired. Of course I did fall asleep and enjoyed the nap immensely. I had a lovely steak, stuffed potato and asparagus lunch. I was a little afraid we wouldn't have enough left over for dinner, but we did. It was just as good a second and third time.

Ciera and I then went to the dentist at 5 and as expected her teeth were terribly dirty within 3 months of having her braces put on. Our hygienist is great though and really spent time showing her how to properly clean her teeth with the braces and gave her lots of tips. Hopefully when we go back to the orthodontist next month they will notice an improvement. This was our last trip to the dentist before the babies are born and the ladies are all so excited to see pictures when we come back in May. They all commented that I hardly look to be carrying twins. I am thankful that I carry two so well-the long torso must help. I definitely feel like there's two in there though.

Logan and Brian got to go out and play basketball in the daylight and now Ciera and Brian are off to pitch. Logan and I have some more Johnny Tremain to read and then a game of Yahtzee. Although I'm feeling quite good today, I'm SO ready to climb back in bed to watch TV tonight.

Overall, it was a pretty good day, lots of movement and lots of rest. I can't ask for more than that, except maybe a Symphony bar.

If you haven't checked out the ticker lately, please do. They are so cute sucking on their little thumbs!


Sarah Andrews said...

Hi Cyn!

So I checked out your ticker - 44 days to go till due date! Holy smokes - seriously where does time go?

Sounds like you all are getting everything in order. I think that PBO's are amazing! We don't have them here in Canada but hopefully one day we will. Not that our process is extremely different - it just happens after the fact and takes 3-6 months.

Hugs - you are doing great lady!

Sanda said...

The ticker babies are so cute! :)
That's great that things are moving along with your PBO. It's nice that the hospital where you went totally knew what to do and everything went completely smoothly. But it will be great to have that PBO out of the way regardless!

Betsey said...

Those ticker babies are cute. Things like that make me dislike my reader sometimes... the things it makes me miss.

Cyn said...

I always start with the reader but I open up each blog with new content. You do miss things on reader.