Monday, August 18, 2008

Bring in the Clowns!!

Wait, you didn't know that year twelve was the year of the clowns?

DH and I had a great year 12 anniversary day- very family oriented, and we all had a great time. Hard to believe that just two years ago on our 10 year anniversary we were waiting by the phone for L&P to be born!

With all the enjoyment our children currently give us (this weekend included messy faces, creative napping, and the need for duct-taped diapers), we can't wait to see what the next ones have in store. (Kudos to the first person who can guess what's on her face)


Betsey said...

I guess blueberries:)

Happy Anniversary S&S!

Queenie327 said...

My guess is chocolate ice cream :)
Happy Anniversary!

Millie said...

Cotton Candy?

STE said...

Good guesses all- but nobody has hit it yet. As a clue, I will say that I leave some of this in the car for me, and every once in a while the kids can convince me to share.

J and D said...

tootsie pops??

Millie said...

My second guess is licorice.

STE said...


And the winner is Millie!!

It was half a red vine that created that yummy mess. I think she knew what a rare occurance it was, and was trying to make it last. 1/2 hour later I had to pry a slimy red vine stub out of her clenched hand.