Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Effects of pregnancy

I have apparently lost my ability to 'deal under pressure'. This is not the first time I've noticed this change, but I now recognize it for what it is and will have to plan accordingly for the next 5 months. Tuesday was another minimum day and the kids both had friends over. The 'plan' was to take the friends home between 3:45-3:55 so that I could be back at the school at 4 for our parent/teacher conferences. At 3:45 we head out the door, right on time, and the DOG gets out!! Our Scamp is a pain in the rear and will just run and run until he feels like getting near you. I did NOT have time to run around after him for 30 minutes! I lost it! I told the friends to climb in the car, I told my kids that the dog may come back at some point and I wasn't going to worry about it. Whatever happened would happen. I then call Brian who is set to meet me at school at 4 and explain that I decided to not chase down the dog and he could go home to try and get the dog or he could leave Scamp on the street as well and meet me at the school as planned. I could not think clearly in any way. Brian chose to go home and help get the dog (the more rational choice). Within 10 minutes I get a call from Ciera that she was able to get the dog and that everyone was in the house. So it all ended well, but I obviously need to build some 'cushion' into my schedules to allow for a change of plans.

The conferences went great. We get a weekly report on Ciera's grades, so we weren't very surprised. Her teacher had nothing but positive things to say and we spent most of the time discussing how to make her days a little more enriching without giving her boring busy work. I love the fact that my child who procrastinates with everything has actually found a way to get all of her daily work done in 1/2 a day, but we do need to come up with something for her to do with the other half of her day. Logan's conference also went well. Academically he's where he should be and where we expected. Socially/behaviorally he's doing much better in the last few weeks and has had a great attitude. We are very proud of both of them. I know I expect a lot out of them, but only because I know they have the potential to meet my expectations.

Logan of course had football practice and I remembered to dress appropriately. It's still warm in the afternoon, but once the sun goes down it cools off a lot! After football we all went to McDonald's to 'celebrate' the report cards, plus I didn't have time to make a dinner. We took our time and had a very nice time together. It's always a treat when you can get both kids to open up at the same time and attempt to enjoy being together as a family.

The babies must be growing nicely. I seem to feel them a little more each day. I seem to have more energy finally, but it gets me into trouble doing more than I should. I've virtually given up naps in favor of 'projects', but then I feel like I'm dragging by bedtime. I'll have to try and work on that.

It was asked if I have issues with heartburn. I will be the first to tell you that I don't know what 'heartburn' actually feels like. There was a period where it felt like there was a burning sensation in my chest/throat. Is that heartburn? It only lasted for a few weeks and I haven't really had an issue with it again recently. I do however have an issue with the other 'H' condition-hemorrhoids! I had them with the last 2 pregnancies, but I don't recall it being much of an issue until the last month or so with the twins. There was a week that I remember being just brutal! Well, I seem to be having issues sooner this time. I'm in the midst of a flaming battle. I'm armed with my ointment and have not had to purchase any Tucks pads yet, so I'm hopeful they will recede soon.


Millie said...

Scamp sounds like a dog I used to have. Buddy. He was a Beagle and if he got out he put his nose to the ground and took off after whatever he smelled. Not a good thing when you live in the country surrounded by wildlife! I had major difficulities dealing with that as a non pregnant person. I feel your pain.

Glad the conferences went well.

MyLifeMyWorld said...

"There was a period where it felt like there was a burning sensation in my chest/throat. Is that heartburn?"

Yup that's heartburn....and acid reflux is when you can feel the food burning in your throat. Heartburn it's more in your chest and can go to your back too. I get it really bad, ice cream helps temporarily, but when I was preggers with the twins I had it everyday all day, for almost the entire pregnancy, it was awful!