Monday, October 13, 2008

Another Monday!

Sunday warmed back up a little. I had to sit in the shade during Ciera's 1:00 game, as it was just to warm in the sun in my jeans. The girls played 2 games to win the Championship. The girls had a lot of fun, and I'll leave it at that.

Logan also seemed to enjoy himself despite the fact that 'softball ruins his life'. Oh my dramatic son! Logan and the other boys hung out on a hill overlooking a soccer field and 'chatted' the afternoon away.

After the games we stopped by the Halloween store to look at costumes. We've been talking about it since September and we just hadn't had a chance to get both kids there at the same time. Logan found his costume quickly. Anyone remember Scream? Yep, I was able to talk him out of the 'bloody' Scream mask though. He wore the costume the rest of the evening. Ciera was unable to find a costume that wasn't $60 so we stopped by Party City on the way home. She decided on a HoneyBee, which is hilarious because she's terrified of bees. It's 'technically' an adult costume but she plans to wear a t-shirt and leggings underneath the skimpy dress.

Brian and I were able to watch a movie Sunday night before everyone needed to go to bed. We watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall which was so inappropriate for the kids that we got to watch a movie alone. It wasn't too bad, there were many hilarious scenes.

Monday Brian got to stay home with me. Happy Columbus Day!! We watched 1408, which was quite disappointing. If anyone can explain what the heck happened, PLEASE leave a comment! We spent the rest of our time watching horrible day time TV. We stumbled across Wife Swap and that show is just so irresistible. Then it was time to pick up the kids and we hadn't even had lunch yet. We all went to Jack in the Box for a special after school 'linner'. Then it was time for Ciera and Brian to head out for Ciera's lesson. Logan and I played a round of Sorry and I won but tried not to gloat to badly. I took a quick nap while Logan and Brian went out to play until it got too dark.

The real week starts tomorrow and there's much laundry to be done. Fortunately we've all done a great job of keeping the house picked up this week, so I won't have to clean tomorrow as well. If I really try I can probably come up with something to do with chicken and the crock pot and we can have an actual meal before flag football practice on Tuesday.

The babies are doing good. I find I have to take more 'deep' breaths every now and then and I really have to pace myself when getting around. I experienced some 'side cramps' this weekend. You know the stitch in your side when you run really fast? I remember getting them last pregnancy and they appear to be back. If I press on the spot while it's happening it tends to go away quickly, but I just don't get WHY it happens. I haven't found it addressed in any pregnancy books. It is reassuring to have things 'happening' a little bit though. Soon I'll have many pregnancy related things to relay-and won't that be nice to hear about! I've also started to get 'burning burps', is it heartburn, acid reflux, I have no idea. I do know that I don't care for it though.


Sarah Andrews said...

B and I totally watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall too on Sunday night! I agress - some funny parts but it is one of those movies that I could have totally lived without seeing.

Do you think that your side stitches are growing pains?

Melissa said...

It sounds like you had a very busy start to the week! My DH and I rented Forgetting Sarah Marshall last week but never got around to watching it...I was bummed about it when I went to return it but it sounds like I didn't miss much.