Sunday, September 7, 2008

It's been a LONG 3 days!

The last 3 days have been full of activity and reading, not nearly enough sleep. I'm almost done with the 4th book of the series though and can soon start sleeping again.

Friday was a very nice, but busy day. I got to have lunch with a friend (yes, two lunches in 1 week) and we had a wonderful visit. We went to Panera Bread and I had a delicious turkey and artichoke sandwich. After school we all went down to my in-laws to celebrate my nephews 12th birthday. We had breaded pork chops (which is one of my favorites), mashed potatoes and corn. The worst part about celebrating my nephews birthdays is that it's the last reminder that in 3 short months Ciera will also be the same outrageously grown up age!

Friday night I stayed up to finish the 3rd book. Ciera was in the middle of the 4th book and I knew that it would be tricky for us both to read it at the same time. Fortunately for me she was invited to a friend's house for the day on Saturday. The hope was to read all day and be finished by the time she went to bed Saturday night.

On Saturday Logan had his first soccer game of the year. Logan has a fantastic coach this year and although the boys didn't win, as parents Brian and I were very pleased with how it went. It was a 10:15 game so we thought it might not be too hot. This was the most difficult day to get through EVER!! It didn't seem like our room would ever cool down and the AC was on all day! I desperately wanted to read the 4th book but my body was just so hot and tired all I could do was sleep fitfully in between taking cold showers to cool off. Finally the house cooled off some by the evening and I was able to stay up far too late reading (but not late enough to finish).

Sunday Ciera had softball practice and I had plans to have lunch with some other local surrogates. Since we'd need both cars to accommodate my lunch I chose to stay home and read some more, hoping to finish. Time got away from me before I could finish though. Lunch was wonderful though. It was a great visit and the food was exactly what I had hoped for. On the Border rarely disappoints me. The reason for this lunch was that a surro from the Chico area delivered about a month ago and agreed to pump breast milk for the twins. She was bringing it down so we could store it until the birth. We are so fortunate to have such a great beginning supply to take the pressure of both myself and STE to produce amazing amounts of milk immediately. Big thanks go out to Trisha!!

Ciera and I have shared the book back and forth this evening and it's currently her turn before going to bed. I'm not sure what to do if I don't get it finished tonight. She usually takes it to school with her to read when she finishes her work. I'm hoping to just stay up and finish and sleep all day tomorrow. We'll see if I can make it. These babies have a way of changing my plans.

But overall I'm feeling pretty darn good. I'm branching out and including more foods back into my diet and the babies have even demanded peanut M&M's a few times.

The week coming up is pretty busy so I'm hoping to just get through it, next week looks a little better. Logan starts flag football practices this week and Ciera starts her Thursday night games. So if you've been paying attention you'll note that we now have Soccer practice on M, W, football on Tues, F, softball on Thurs., soccer games on Sat. and softball practice on Sundays. Somewhere in there we still have to pick a day for pitching and hitting lessons (that means Logan loses out on both Brian and I being at all of his practices). I'm sure it will work out, it just sounds like a lot. But really it gets worse in October when Logan also has football games on Saturdays and Ciera has tournaments on Saturdays and Sundays.

This pregnancy is going to fly by!!


MylissaLynn said...

I'm tired just reading about your schedule. LOL Sorry I missed lunch.

Anonymous said...

Your very welcome and anything I can do to help out IPS, I am there. I know it was better to give it to some babies in need then to dump it and you made it so easy for me to do. I really do think you need to slow down on the reading and get some sleep girl. It was great to see you and hope you eat all the peanut M&Ms to the twins desires.