Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Almost recuperated from my visit!

I have been home for almost 24 hours now and I'm almost back in the swing of things here again. I had a fabulous time visiting with everyone. It is always so wonderful to see everyone so happy and in love with the twins. I can hardly believe how big they've gotten. It was amazing to see how well they play independently at only 2 years old and it was a delight to watch them interact with each other.

I hope to get the pictures downloaded tomorrow or Thursday, but I immensely enjoyed myself.

I finished up Twilight the day I arrived and I was introduced to The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I was able to finish it off today between naps and feedings. It was as good as was promised. I did have a tough time reading a few of the last chapters with the blinding tears, but it was definitely worth giving up a day of productivity.

Ciera and Logan had a great time while I was gone. I remember when I couldn't leave their sides for 30 minutes and now I can be gone for 4 days and no one notices. Logan spend Saturday, Sunday and Monday with his cousin and had a blast. There was lots of soccer and softball, playing with friends and eating out. I was finally able to get some love from Logan by bedtime tonight.

Tomorrow will be a reality check. Another busy day of errands, practices and lunch with a friend.


Betsey said...

Hope your day today goes as planned! I am happy you had such a great visit:)