Friday, September 12, 2008

A great find!

Today I finally made it to Costco. I'd been trying to get there for several weeks and it just never worked out. On a previous visit Logan and I had sampled some Turkey burgers on Ciabatta rolls and we loved them. I was planning to pick some up today. I was quite surprised to find them in the refrigerated section near the fresh pasta, already precooked! They are Turkey with Swiss cheese and caramelized onions. We had them for dinner tonight and they really were a snap to prepare. Everyone enjoyed them as well. Definitely worth the price paid. So check them out sometime.

While I was out I stopped by Old Navy and found maternity jeans clearance priced for only $10. I was able to find a few pair in my current size to get me through until my 'big pants' fit.

After school Ciera and I went to Target to get a few birthday gifts. My niece turned 2 this week and my nephew turned 12! Logan had football and they learned some plays. It always amazes me that they are able to run actual plays at 8 & 9 years old.

I had to get gas tonight and lucked into a special price of $3.29 per gallon. I came home and made spinach dip for my niece's party tomorrow. While slicing the green onions I got careless with my mandolin and sliced my finger. It's unbelievable how much a fingertip can bleed! Now I just have to finish up some laundry and I can go to bed. We have soccer in the morning so there will not be much sleeping in.