Tuesday, September 30, 2008

16 weeks 5 days, OB appointment

This morning I did a little copying and typing at school and then I was off for my OB appointment. My urine, pulse and blood pressure all looked good. At 16weeks5days I've gained 17 lbs, which puts us right on track for a 20lb weight gain by 20 weeks. I 'think' the gain is a little slower this pregnancy than last, but that would be due to the sweets aversion I'm sure.

Dr. E had already received our ultrasound report and said everything looked great. He wasn't worried about the heart rates at all. He had a med student with him today and she found both heart beats quite easily with the Doppler.

I watched a friend's son this afternoon, so I only got a 15 minute nap but I'm doing OK. It was another hot day today, but keeps saying it will cool off soon.

I have to back up a bit and tell you about the fabulous burger I had last night at BJ's Brewery. The"burger of my dreams" had pepper jack cheese, caramelized onions and a garlic pepper sauce. So while perusing the burger menu I came across several delicious sounding burgers. The 'Melt' offered Cheddar and Swiss cheese with caramelized onions and a 'secret sauce'. I figured it might be close. It was still obviously missing the garlic pepper sauce but it was tasty! I had 1/2 of it last night and enjoyed the other half this morning for breakfast.

Logan had a scrimmage with his flag football team. They lost but they learned a lot to get ready for the first game this weekend and Logan even scored a touchdown. I think he's really going to enjoy being one of the older kids on the team this year.


Sarah Andrews said...

Uh Cyn.....Burgers aren't breakfast food! lol! I am glad that you finally had one that you enjoyed!

Sounds like the babes had an awesome checkup! Maybe you're baking a boy/girl combo!?!?!?! That would explain the difference in HR!