Tuesday, September 16, 2008

baby ticker worries

The baby ticker is starting to freak me out. They've been bouncing around upside down for several weeks now. Is it OK for the blood to be rushing to their heads for such a prolonged period?

Today was basically better. I'm still tired, but that's due to a lack of sleep. Wednesday should be a great day for reading and resting. I'm hoping to finally start my new book. I've decided that I need to plan out something to eat between 2:30 and 3:00. I seem to wake up from my nap really hungry (although I ate lunch right before lying down) and I pick the kids up at 3:00, so I've been putting off getting something to eat at that time. I'm SO hungry by the time we get home that it's almost too late. If I start planning and preparing something ahead of time I can just wake up, eat and then pick up the kids. We'll see if I can stick with the new plan. I'm still having a hard time coming up with stuff I want to eat. Nothing is screaming at me!

I slept pretty bad last night. I've got some stuff rattling around in my head and I think it affected m y sleep last night. I had a really bizarre dream involving the Baskin Robbins employee. Somebody cut in front of me in the Baskin Robbins line and the employee refused to acknowledge that I was next in line. I refused to leave until she admitted that she was wrong. I recall being VERY upset and the employee just would not admit that she was wrong. I wanted her to check the surveilance video and she wouldn't. Meanwhile MANY people have now gotten their ice cream and I am still waiting to place my order-which I won't do until the employee eithehr admits she was wrong or is off work. I woke up still at a stale mate. I think waking to this dream put me in a bit of a confrontational mood today.

I made some oatmeal for breakfast and got everyone to school on time. I did some grading, copying and scholastic book order stuff this morning. I was able to get a nap from 1:30-2:30 and then we headed to Coldstone for our Tuesday ice cream. Ciera is still only getting the strawberry, mango, banana sorbet but Logan is branching out and trying new creations. Today he had marshmallow and cotton candy with gummi bears-I can't think of a worse combo, but he loved it.

Logan has football tonight and I've got a softball board meeting. Unfortunately it will probably be a long meeting! Thank goodness I planned a rest day for Wednesday (which wasn't an accident-I try to plan 'rest days' after I have a busy day).


STE said...

Enjoy your rest day today!

Millie said...

That Baskin Robbins dream was a nightmare! Stick with going to Cold Stone so the dream doesn't come true. LOL.

Cyn said...

You know what's really weird, my DH also had a dream about Baskin Robbins that night!

Melissa said...

When I logged on one of the babies was floating head up so no worries. I love your blog!

Nathan said...

killer dream, Cyn. i'd like to hear your interpretation. i'm officially putting-in a request for a future blog entry titled "Confrontation at BR Explained" or something to that effect. peaceful dreams... N