Monday, September 8, 2008

FINALLY finished the Twilight Saga!

I pried the 4th book out of Ciera's hands around 10:30 and was determined to finish before going to bed. By 1:00 am I had finished the book!!

Monday morning came far too early. I had the toughest time opening my eyes! I just had to stay awake for 1 1/2 hours and then I could climb back in bed. I got the kids showered and off to school on time (we haven't been late yet). I returned home and climbed back in bed at 8:21. I had to set the alarm for 11 because I promised the kids hot mac & cheese for lunch. I just could not get myself to focus on making anything this morning. I slept soundly until 10:45.

After getting some lunch for everyone and replying to a ton of e-mails today (softball drama) I stumbled upon Ciera's open tab with the draft to Midnight Sun (the retelling of the 1st book, Twilight, through Edward's perspective). I hadn't been planning to read it, but it was there and double spaced and just too hard to resist. Around 1:30 I began to feel drowsy again. I was able to nap from 1:30 - 2:30 before having to pick up the kids.

The afternoon was spent reading the draft and making muffins for Logan to take to school on Tuesday for snack. Logan had soccer tonight at 6:30, but right around 5 he got his fingers smashed in the door. We're fortunate that this is the first time something like this has happened. He was quite upset and there was really nothing we could do for him. Finally around 6:45 he decided he could go to soccer, since he wouldn't need to use his hands much. Once he got there he seemed to forget all about his throbbing fingers and he practiced hard and appeared to have a lot of fun with his teammates.

Thankfully the entire book is not available to read, so I was able to finish up with the draft at a reasonable time. We have a field trip tomorrow and those generally exhaust me without being pregnant. We shall see....