Monday, September 29, 2008

16 weeks 4 days and the babies look GREAT!!

I had my ultrasound today and everything looked great! The babies are growing right on target with both of them measuring right around 16w4days. Baby A had a heart rate of 156 and Baby B had a heart rate of 131. I see my OB tomorrow so I'll ask about the difference in heart rates. The tech didn't seem too worried about it, but it's always nice to have a question for the Doc!

It appears as though Baby A's bum is right around Baby B's head, for now at least. Baby B was very active during the ultrasound and the tech said he (my gut, but no confirmation of this yet) was flipping several times. I guess that confirms that I am not feeling movement yet as I was VERY unaware of the flips occurring.

After the ultrasound I met Brian for lunch at a burger place downtown that people have been talking about for quite awhile and the aide at school recommended to me based on my burger 'desire'. It's a tiny little place called 'Squeeze Inn'. It seats about 10 people inside and they have a patio area out back. There's virtually no parking and the nearby businesses WILL tow your car if you park in their lots. It was not my 'dream' burger, but it's the closest thing I've tried so far. It was DELICIOUS!! They melt a ton of cheddar cheese on the burger and the edges get crispy melted. The bun was fresh, the lettuce and tomatoes were superb and they even used good sandwich pickle slices (rather than the horrible pickle chips one would expect). The fries were not great, but it was a deliciously filling burger for $5.

On the drive home I realized that the burger was missing a shake. So I stopped by In & Out for a chocolate shake. It was OK, but I was left a little disappointed as a result of my fickle sweet tooth. I made it home in time for a 30 minute nap. It wasn't quite long enough, but it sure was good.

There is no practice tonight for anyone so we're off to BJ's Brewery for one more birthday dinner and my birthday pizhookie (free on your birthday a fresh baked large cookie with ice cream on top).
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Betsey said...

I don't think either of us should really be blogging at 12:45 a.m., yet here we both are... LOL!

Great news about the babies! Can't wait to hear what the dr. says tomorrow.

I saw Squeeze Inn on a travel show and have been wanting to go there.. it's nice to hear a review from someone whose taste I know.....

Sarah Andrews said...

Sounds like you had a great u/s! STE - you must be so pumped up! I am sure that everything is going to be fine with the differences in HR and once the Dr. comfirms, you will all breath a sigh of relief! I love the u/s pics - thanks for sharing.

Cyn - I think my snowsuit thing pales to your burger thing! lol!

J and D said...

The babies are perfect looking, how you have room for them is beyond me? D talks about In and Out all the time. It was on our list of places to visit but we did not get their.

congrats to STE for healthy babies.

Queenie327 said...

Glad to hear all is well with the babies. I was going to tell you about the squeeze in....I used to get lunch there when I worked at the Army Depot but never ate there, it was always to go!

STE said...

Thanks everyone!

I'm looking forward to the October ultrasound. Maybe Baby B will still be doing flips!