Wednesday, September 3, 2008

12 weeks 6 days!

I can hardly believe that tomorrow we will be 13 weeks along. That means we are officially in the second trimester (unless you believe the sites that say 14 weeks).

I was able to accomplish most of my goals today. I had my last blood draw today and I'm med free (I just have to remember to take my prenatal, folic acid and aspirin daily). I had a wonderful lunch with a longtime friend and the cupboards have been restocked.

I was even able to make a 'real' dinner for the second night in a row. Last night we had mushroom patties with mashed potatoes and green beans. Tonight we had crock pot pork roast, wild rice and corn bread. I meant to add a vegetable, but I ran out of time before Ciera and Brian had to head off for her softball lessons. Logan and I have soccer in a few minutes as well.

I started the follow-up book to Twilight, New Moon. I'm a little afraid to let myself really start reading it yet, as I'm hoping to get some good sleep tonight. I tend to have really vivid, wacky dreams anyhow, but I feel like the pregnancy is really intensifying them. I had spent most of Tuesday reading the Time Traveler's Wife and all I could think about all night while trying to sleep was the darn book and the text.


STE said...

I told you this was a sad book. I cried for days!

Queenie327 said...

what are mushroom patties? sounds good.

Betsey said...

If your done .. can I borrow Twilight? Ciera recommended it to me. Good to hear you are cooking! I have tons of crockpot recipes if you need any...