Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ugh, updating finally!

I have been so exhausted since this weekend. I'm actually starting to get a little worried. We'll see if next week gets any better and I'll start regularly taking my iron. Hopefully it was just the busy weekend and the time change that is making it so hard for me to function this week.

Saturday Logan had his last basketball game and I got to pump in the van for the first time. The Medela Symphony is far more portable than I would've thought. The game went well and then they had a quick team party. On the way home we stopped by Target for some ointment to relieve the pumping discomfort and an 8 oz bottle for the night time pumping. Most of the afternoon was spent hanging out, pumping, playing video games, pitching with Ciera and a short nap for me. I had been on the ball and was able to throw a marinated London Broil into the oven for dinner.

About 5:30 Brian started to complain about his back hurting, but that it was different from the regular 'back pain' he gets every now and then when he plays too hard with the kids. By 6:10 I was on the phone with the doctor to find out where he could be seen. It was decided that Urgent Care would be better than the ER. Not realizing how serious his pain was I said we'd go after the food was done so that the kids could eat while we were gone. He was still trying to be brave at this point and said it was fine. He did take a Vicodin (thank you surgery) before we left. Traffic was horrible and it took 45 minutes to get there, meanwhile Brian was in excruciating pain-panting and moaning the whole way. While waiting to be seen Brian paced outside and then suddenly the pain was not so severe and he was able to sit and wait patiently. They really didn't do much for him other than send him home with a urine strainer (in case it was Kidney Stones) and a prescription for Vicodin. I had planned to pump in the van when we got there, but my adaptor stopped working. I finally gave in and pumped in the bathroom at 8:00 (I was due to pump at 6). Of course it was a Saturday, which meant we had to go to the 24 hour pharmacy that is always busy and another 15 minutes the opposite direction. At 9:45 we were able to head home. We had an early and busy day planned for Sunday, plus the time change, so we were already feeling tired. We were home at 10:30 and after pumping again were in bed by 11:15. Brian has felt fine since then and is just hopeful that it doesn't happen again.

Sunday Brian took Ciera to practice from 8:45-1 and then got to go see Watchmen with his brother in law. Logan and I got to sleep in and then I headed down to pick Ciera up from practice. We then went to grandma's house to get her jersey altered (the armpits have become too small). I pumped at grandma's and had planned to pump in the van again while Ciera tried on softball pants. The adaptor wouldn't work again so we ended up rushing through the errands so I could get home. We picked up some groceries, some herbs to help increase milk supply and a Twilight calendar. We still didn't make it home before 5:30.

I had really figured I'd be good to go by this week, but I was just exhausted Monday, we all were actually. I went back to bed after taking the kids to school. My mom came by to see me in the afternoon and then it was time to pick up the kids again. Logan and I had dinner at Taco Bell while Ciera had a pitching lesson. Then they went to look for softball pants again. After going to every store that carries them, she decided that nothing fit better than the pair she already had, but hates. They came home with a $50 under armour shirt that is going back because she will never really wear the one they bought, it's just too thick. Then at bed time my emotions and hormones (yes I'm blaming the hormones for this one) got the best of me and Ciera and I got into it a bit. Brian of course smoothed things over with Ciera, so I was then upset with him as well (totally rational I know).

Tuesday wasn't a whole lot better. The gals came to clean one last time and I ran to Target to see about an Under Armour alternative that she might wear and that wasn't $50. I came home with 3 different sizes, 2 sports bras in varying sizes and an eyeshadow quartet that she had wanted over the weekend but it was busted. After pumping I was asleep until lunch time. I woke to eat, pump and then went back to bed until school got out. After school Ciera and I 'worked things out', I washed her shirt for the game, made dinner, pumped and showered so we could be out the door at 5:30 for Ciera's first game of the season. The game went well, it's basically a practice game and they played around with positions quite a bit. Ciera got to pitch and play first for some of the game. It was great to see her back on the field and see all of her hard work being used. She even had to slide into third-which she hates, but it was wonderful to see her do it when it was necessary!

Tuesday afternoon was a tough time for me emotionally. I think things are finally starting to come to a head. I could've cried the entire afternoon about everything, but mostly my hormonal reactions with Ciera. I realize that she is 12 and some of these things are just par for the age, but I'm definitely NOT dealing with them rationally. I ran out of chocolate Monday and I wonder if my massive daily intake of chocolate has had a bit of a mood stabilizing effect. I definitely crashed Tuesday. I had about 1/3 of a Mountain Dew and I felt much better. I will absolutely keep tabs on how I'm doing and keep an eye out for PP depression. Ciera also suggested I go buy some more chocolate.

Today I'm feeling a bit more balanced. I still napped from 9-11. The kids had a minimum day today because of Open House tonight, so there will be no afternoon nap (which is why I'm finally updating). Ciera went to a friends house and Logan has his friend over as well. Logan and I will go see the Orthodontist this afternoon. They have to make the mold for his retainer and 'stuff' (whatever else they are doing but I can't remember). I don't imagine it will be alot of fun. Logan has a really sensitive gag reflex, so we'll see. Then we have Open House at the school. Every night I hope we can get to bed early and every night it's almost 10 before the kids are both tucked in.

I haven't mentioned anything about the babies since they went home and I'm sure some of you are eager to hear how they are doing. It feels a little weird to post about someone else's babies, even though I know that STE would not mind. When they were with me it felt like my duty to report on their happenings, but now that they're home it almost feels intrusive for ME to tell about them. But I recognize that STE barely has time to sleep and you'd all probably like to know. They're doing quite well. They lost their cords fairly early and got to have their first of many baths. Sleeping and eating had been a challenge initially, but it sounds like STE has almost got them on schedules and they are starting to sleep a bit longer as well. P&L are adjusting as one would expect, a little clingier, but still not asking for the babies to go away. It is just amazing to me how well this family handles everything. They truly make it sound easy!

I know I promised a 'mushy' emotional post, but honestly I haven't had it in me yet. I've got so many thoughts floating around in my head and if I ever feel energetic enough to process them, I'll post it.


Earthybirthy said...

Just reading how busy you are wears me out! I don't know how you do it and recover and pump! You really are superwoman Cyn! I hope that you are able to get out how you're feeling and I'm here if you ever need someone to yell at or be hormonal with who isnt related to you :)

MylissaLynn said...

If you EVER need someone to eat chocolate with or anything else...I hope you know to call me. Don't think of it as asking for help. Think of it as doing me a favor...I like to feel useful. ((HUG)).

J and D said...

what a busy weekend. I hope that this week has found you a little more calmness. How is Brian? did the pain go away?
I wish I could sit around and eat chocolate with you.

MyLifeMyWorld said...

Wow, sounds like a very busy week, I wouldn't blame you for emotionally crashing too. Try to take time for yourself (besides sleeping) to just do something you really enjoy, remember you just gave birth and need to take things slow.

Hugs and thoughts sent your way. If you need to chat, feel free to email me, maybe we can talk on the phone. But not this next week....I'm warmer climates.